Together with a national startup, Sheba Medical Center develops a saliva test for oral cavity cancer

Cardiac Center at Sheba Medical Center, Israel. Photo: Dr. Avishai Teicher, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons.Cardiac Center at Sheba Medical Center, Israel. Photo: Dr. Avishai Teicher, CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons.

ARC, the innovation department of the Sheba Medical Center, teamed up with the Jerusalem startup Salignostics to carry out a new saliva diagnosis method for cancer in the oral cavity.

The Salignostics team is comprised of experts in the fields of saliva research, technology development and business development. Our founders have 15 years of experience in the field as innovators and product developers.

The startup has already developed cutting-edge technologies that transform saliva into a reliable body fluid for lateral flow immunoassays such as the hCG rapid pregnancy test and the HRP2 rapid test for malaria detection. 

Salignostics notes that the lack of an effective screening tool in the early stages of the disease in oral cancer is a critical problem. This is a relevant problem since more than 400.000 people around the world are diagnosed each year. 

Gur Krief, co-founder and deputy CEO of the company, said that “the collaboration between Salignostics and Sheba Medical Center will result in an innovative development that will allow, for the first time, the early detection of a type of cancer that today cannot be diagnosed at an early stage.”
In addition, he added that “early detection can increase the possibility of prolonging the life of patients with oral cavity cancer and their recovery. Furthermore, if the development is successful, it will open the way to diagnosing other types of cancer based on saliva samples, which can prolong and save many lives.”


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