To the Colombian prison that gave money to finance the terrorist organization Hezbollah

Akil Helbawi, captured in Colombia for alleged links with Hezbollah - credit Attorney General's Office

This is a Colombian of Lebanese descent wanted by the United States, who contributed to the capture

By Juan Romero

In the last few hours, the profile of Mahdy Akil Helbawi, a Colombian-Lebanese citizen better known as 'the Boss' or 'Jonathan', was recently sent to prison on charges of illicit use of natural resources, money laundering, and enrichment. illicit actions of individuals and use of false documents, as reported by the Attorney General's Office.

Mahdy Akil Helbawi is accused of having ties to the Middle Eastern terrorist organization Hezbollah, which he would benefit with large transactions. The man, however, did not accept the charges.

His capture took place in Cúcuta, North of Santander, thanks to information from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).



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