David A. Rosenthal.
Simón José Antonio Bolívar Ponte y Palacios Blanco, indeed, from Caracas, Venezuela, Latin and mestizo, even mulatto or dark-skinned. An international figure from these tropical, Caribbean, banana-growing, etc. lands. Paradise-like too. The liberator of America, and not of that America; the one that the North Americans pretend is only theirs. No, of Spanish America, but also indigenous and above all mestizo.
The image of Bolívar has been violated, mistreated, usurped and trivialized, especially by Hugo Chávez and then by Nicolás Maduro and the entire damned regime, which has no reproach from the Colombian government in power, for example. Of course, it is because there is an alliance and mutual acceptance, which can only be an indicator of tyranny, oppression of the people. The subjugation or despotism that has been perpetuated over the Venezuelan people is the complete opposite of what a man once dreamed and idealized.
Bolivar, once compared to his namesake, the Jewish priest Simon Maccabeus, who, according to the Book of Maccabees, was ultimately the one to secure political independence for Judea in 142 BC, was chosen as “leader and high priest forever, until a trustworthy prophet arises.” The story of the Maccabees is commemorated on the recently concluded Hanukkah, as part of Jewish custom.
Don Simón Bolívar was a reference for the newly born nation-state, which had as its goal freedom, free thought, and the three values set forth in the French Revolution: “liberty, equality and fraternity,” of course, and, very clearly today, Masonic ideals. So, it is not possible nor is it in any way acceptable what Chavismo established in occupied and taken Venezuela; kidnapped and abducted by a few bandits, dedicated to all kinds of illegal activities, from drug trafficking to terrorism. Contrary to what the scoundrel Maduro says, it is the Colombians who are fully involved in it. Unfortunately, in Colombia there is no president to counterattack these trials and redeem the Colombians.
The presidential elections that took place last year, which resulted in Mr. Edmundo Gonzales as the winner, as a substitute for the truly courageous Bolivarian leader, Maria Corina Machado. In fact, the fact that the nauseating Chavista regime had proclaimed itself Bolivarian and had claimed the liberator's ideals, distorting them and adapting them to their liking, was perhaps one of the first insults, and no one stopped them. It is time to reestablish democracy there and also freedom.
Similar to this is the woke, progressive or rather mamerto discourse, in which Jesus was Palestinian, only on the occasion of Christmas, has begun to have disastrous effects, in that attempt to change history, of a man who already did so, and who was born of Jews and Israelites, and who himself was a Jew and an Israelite, in times when not even the concept of "Palestine" existed.
X: @rosenthaaldavid
A very good description of what is happening and what has happened in Venezuela today. What a pity that there are still unconditional lackeys who do not think about their many compatriots and continue to favor the narco-dictators.
It is sad to see what happened to that country where many South Americans went to live to become rich, and not long ago because I was already a student.
I am not in favor of sweeping the dirt and hiding it under the carpet. But it is regrettable that these days articles are appearing in various countries where they talk about the Sephardic Jewish origin of the Immature and his two surnames. I have no doubt that in a few days everything bad that this criminal does will begin to appear as if it was done by the Mossad, or some invented underground Jewish-Zionist-imperialist conspiracy. Only we Jews should be careful of what we say and think, of our shadow, because there will always be someone who takes advantage of the fact that we said “A” to blame us for not having said “B”, and if we say “B” we will have done wrong for not saying “A”.
It is regrettable that the powerful “America for (North) Americans” cannot defeat the Chavistas, as it also demonstrated that it cannot defeat the Cuban Castro clan. It is a bad sign that takes us back to the time of the Roman Empire in its decline. The possibility of the fall of the empire can be smelled from afar, the South Americans who are slowly imposing leftist governments made up of ex-guerrillas can smell it. Vladimir Putin smelled it and is taking advantage of it, the ayatollahs smelled it and are already embedded in South America.
Under no circumstances do we want a second Plan Condor, which would be disastrous for South Americans and disastrous for what the United States intended to achieve, because what it achieved was to strengthen opposing ideologies.
The lesson that emerges is that ideas are not fought with weapons, but with better ideas. And this lesson should open the eyes of the current Israeli government, which began - under duress - with weapons, but it is time to realize that of the two goals it wanted to achieve, it has not achieved and will not achieve either of them. The hostages remain hostages, the missiles continue to come from ALL fronts.
The United States, after planning and supporting the dictatorships of Plan Condor, in what we now call “the day after” did not show at all that what they had imposed was better than what existed, and that was their great mistake that made the great massacre useless, an infamous decade.
Our leaders should learn from this historical period and plan the immediate future of Gaza and also Judea and Samaria, and without putting down their rifles, begin to use teachers, psychologists, social workers, free collective canteens, everything that some good governments do in the poorest areas of their own countries.
I want to make it clear that I am not dreaming or fantasizing. This solution is possible and the others have failed and will continue to fail. Bad education is fought with good education. Surely if Israel proposes these paths to countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the Emirates, it will receive a lot of help, because those countries will also benefit.
We have read that each interceptor missile launched by Israel using American equipment costs ten million dollars. So that is the minimum amount per day because of the Houthis in Yemen. Do you realize how much could be done to educate and improve the situation of children and young people in Gaza with that money?
Israel must learn from America's mistakes, regardless of who rules the powerful northern nation.
I can suggest another solution: an atomic bomb dropped on the government palace in Tehran. One plane, one bomb, one pilot and one gunner-copilot, that's all we need. Does anyone want this? Have you thought about the world's reaction? What will the day after be like? Will the 1.400 billion Muslims react like the Japanese did after Nagasaki?
As a final example, what happened in South America in the years 1970-1985, including hundreds of thousands of dead and missing, was done so that American capital would not lose the sources of raw materials that were its property. Half a century later, all of them are still American, and little by little the South American countries are being governed by the left. Will a new Kissinger return to orchestrate the second Plan Condor?