The 7-10 and days of narrowness. Reflection.

Augusts 1, 2024 ,
Photo: Pixabay

“For behold, I will call all the tribes of the kingdoms of the North, says the Lord, and they will come and set each one his seat at the entrance to the gates of Jerusalem, and around its walls and over all the cities of Judea.

And I will pronounce my judgments against them for all their wickedness, because they forsook me and offered offerings to other gods, and bowed down to the works of their hands.”

Book of Jeremiah chapter 1, verses 15-16 

Twilight Zone.

We are going through difficult days, and obviously, Israelis suffer much more than Jews from the various diasporas. Although it is difficult to remember so much anti-Semitism widespread throughout the world, at least since the days of the rise of Nazism in Hitler.

Today, we are seeing with our own eyes that the words of the prophets are being fulfilled, and also the warnings of many analysts and opinionologists who, for decades, have been warning us like a watchman or watchman that we will suffer what we are going through, a new Nazism in Islamic version (Islamo-Nazism) today accompanied by a large group of forces from the left and a group of confused and anti-Semites from the old right.

The motives.

There is no doubt that the Prophets of Israel were placed in an uncomfortable position. And many were persecuted by the kings in power, and others paid with threats, beatings, prison and even exile, when they had to expose truths that made the people uncomfortable, and in particular to corrupt classes of leaders and opportunists who did not want to listen, nor have bad press, nor be discovered or exposed.

In prophetic Judaism, other peoples are only instruments of Hashem, or the rod that punishes us to teach and correct us.

The problem is that the blow hurts and is deep, and the daze and shock and anguish and depression tend to hide and blind us from being able to look for the causes or, as we say in medicine, the etiology or reason for the disasters or climaxes that occur. we must endure.

The head and/or feet.

In truth, the problem could lie in both places, in the head, that is, the leaders, kings, and politicians. But, on other occasions, even with good leadership, it is the bases that deviate, that is, the people themselves, affected or motivated by impulses that are always foreign to the mandates of the law of Moshe of Sinai.

Today like yesterday.

Both in Israel and in the different diasporas, we have been able to see great and visible divisions and confrontations between the various groups that make up the social body.

Secular faced with religious and vice versa.

Unfortunately, the response from above did not take long to arrive. As always, it was forceful, and very painful. Very penetrating, reaching the marrow of our bones.

The North so feared.

Although the first blow was from the south, from the Gaza border, the Northern front is the one that represents the greatest military threat to Israel. There for decades, Hezbollah has taken over the country, and has the support and nutrition of the evil government of Iran.

The Northern campaign may mean a much greater effort than liquidating Hamas in the narrow coastal strip.

Prophets. A thankless task.

We see it in the Holy Scriptures, in the case of the beatings and imprisonment that the prophet Jeremiah had to endure. Also in the case of the prophet Eliahau faced the injustices of King Ajav and the evil Jezebel and all the false prophets of Baal.

Also, the case of prophet jonah, who escapes by sea, since he does not wish to go to warn Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrians (enemies and future destroyers of the Northern Kingdom of Israel), so that they repent of their sins.

All of them, and many others, stood between two fires. On the one hand, to comply with the Divine order, and on the other hand, to be considered traitors and hated and execrated by a people who have always suffered from "intermittent and chronic deafness", so convenient for not listening to any reprimand, warning, or any criticism that they Although it is painful, it always has the objective of individual and group rectification, achieving sincere repentance, and avoiding subsequent problems that are difficult to control and have a very high cost in blood and tears to make amends.

The living letter.

The worst mistake is to take the Torah as a dead letter. Consider that these are issues of the past, and that these misfortunes are over and cannot reach us again.

The 7-10 came when there was a lot of internal fighting in Israel. The brothers do not understand each other, they do not speak, nor respect each other, and they even hate each other. The results are visible.

And if we do not recalculate, the Israelis, instead of uniting and the Jews in the galut with their mistakes and deviations and errors and horrors, insist on separating, then, and even in the face of being branded as one who "puts salt in the wound," This comes from the massacre of children in the Golan school.

Obviously, the scenario is global, and the enormous anti-Zionist – anti-Semitic demonstrations show us an Almighty who is angry with us, his people.

Final reflection.

We have read the parsha or Chapter of Pinchas, which with a reckless and forceful attitude manages to stop the mortality and saves the rest of the People of Israel from divine wrath.

To conclude, there is a message that is clear, the Palestinians do not love Israel, and the Oslo agreements were a trap by the Arabs, with that macabre formula of “land for peace”, where Israel gives up land. but she does not obtain nor will she have any peace.

These are days for reflection, the date of commemoration of the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem is approaching. The spiritual loss and the territorial loss and the beginning of the long exile.

And I dare to make the final reflection: “and what worse could it have been, if in the nineties Israel had allowed a Palestinian State with full rights and its own army a few kilometers from the largest Jewish population centers in the country?

We hope that if the prophecies of destruction have been fulfilled, as Rabbi Akiva said, the prophecies of salvation and the coming of Mashiach son of King David will also soon be fulfilled in our days.


Dr. Natalio Daitch


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