Five prominent rabbis condemn Ben Gvir's visit to the Temple Mount

Augusts 14, 2024 ,
Minister Itamar Ben Gvir visits the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on Tisha B'Av on July 27, 2013 Photo: Temple Mount Administration

Five high-ranking rabbis, including the former chief Sephardic rabbi of Israel, Yitzhak Yosef, and the rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem, Avigdor Nebenzahl, condemned on Wednesday the visit yesterday of the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, to Mount of the Temple.

“I appeal to the nations of the world: do not see these (Israeli) government ministers as representatives of the people of Israel. They do not represent the people of Israel. “The majority of Jews in the Land of Israel and in the world do not go up to the Temple Mount.”, Anadio.

"Please act to calm things down, we all believe in one God and want peace between nations, and we must not let extremists guide us," he added, referring to an act considered yesterday by both the Palestinian Authority and the neighboring nations of Egypt and Jordan, a provocation to the 'status quo'.

According to the 'status quo' in force since 1967, the site is reserved exclusively for the worship of Muslims, while Jews can only enter as visitors.

For its part today the Israeli newspaper Yated Ne'eman, associated with the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism (JUT) party, He also criticized Ben Gvir's visit in an editorial and assured that it "endangers Jewish lives."

“Jews going up to the Temple Mount is like throwing a match into an oil well,” reads the newspaper's editorial. “The Temple Mount can become a volcano that covers the entire Middle East with ash.”

Minister Ben Gvir visited the area yesterday morning, taking advantage of the Tisha B'av holiday, accompanied by thousands of followers and claimed the right of Jews to pray there; symbolic gesture that he has already repeated on several occasions, causing the indignation of the Palestinian population.

Shortly after, Netanyahu's Office assured in a statement that any legislation on the place of worship - the third most important for Islam after Mecca and Medina - falls on the Government and not on the "private policy" of any minister.

Agencies contributed to this Aurora article.

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