Evil always comes from the north against Israel

Evil always comes from the north: “From the north evil will be unleashed on all the inhabitants of this land” it is written. That evil always comes from the north is more than evident if we look at Gaza, Lebanon, North America, Russia or Europe against Israel. In this list of northerners we do not also forget China or North Korea. This is how it was in the past, this is how it is in the present and this is how it will be in the future until the end of time as we know it now. Evil always appears from the north of something or someone. The massacre against Israel on October 7, 2023 came from northern Gaza. The continuous rocket and missile launches against Israel come from the northern border with Lebanon invaded by Hezbollah. President Biden's verbal attacks and betrayals also come from the north, namely North America. President Putin's threats to Israel also come from the north; of the extinct Soviet Union known as Russia.
The greatest pressures or threats against Israel again come from Northern Europe with its political capital of Brussels, the capital of Belgium, known as the capital of the European Union. All evil comes from the northern geographical, political and religious spectrum.
Heaven has left perfect defensive laws, and of all kinds, so that Israel can protect its citizens from the visceral hatred that comes from the bowels of Evil against the Jews and Israel throughout half the world and part of the other.
The danger for all humanity comes from the north with all its wide political, cultural, commercial and obviously military spectrum. The largest and most terrifying armies are always to the north. China and North Korea represent the axis of Asian evil whose destructive power is not being considered with sufficient caution by the West. The blindness of not seeing the danger that communist China represents, disguised as a democratic capitalist, with a rabid pet dog called North Korea, is the greatest warning that we are being given before the emergence of a hegemonic power in the form of a world dictatorship. .
The most terrible perversion against human rights, in the north of the world, is in North Korea, pardon the redundancy, where even death is tired of taking the lives of millions of innocent people who are persecuted in the face of the indifference of a West that believes itself powerful and indestructible. Pride is the beginning of the fall and destruction whether in the north or the south. Have you seen a proud man? Be patient, you will also see how he is dragged into evil by that same pride that was thought to make him immune to all misfortune.
The Western world once established on Judeo-Christian culture is destroying its own identity to the point of converting its holy places such as churches into gyms, discos, party halls or something worse whose description I am not able to relate.
The People of Israel have been warned for millennia that evil always comes from the north, therefore they would do well to reinforce the northern borders of the entire geographic area of ​​the country. The warnings from Heaven should be for the Jewish People as a whole the only decision-making basis to know how and when to defend the entire State of Israel from the Evil that appears from the north at lightning speed on a stormy night. Let it be known.

José Ignacio Rodríguez

5 thoughts on “Evil always comes from the north against Israel”
  1. This Mr. Rodríguez is an unscrupulous fanatic. He is more papist than the Pope to the point of absurdity of saying that he "knows if people are good or bad, according to how they love the Jews." Poor

  2. Israel is exterminating a people, they should publish that, they have been killing and humiliating that people for years, now they are going against the same institutions that created the state of Israel, they are immoral and they are going against humanity that thinks otherwise of what they do with the Palestinians, they are discriminators

    1. The comics aimed at children are only used to brainwash these innocent people and show them that Israel is an evil people and they must be eliminated, slaughtering them, their behavior is not strange, whether they are teenagers or adults, they are a machine of all evil and murderers. ; whose parents consider them martyrs, violence begets violence, and these people are not Palestinians, a Roman emperor gave this name to humiliate Israel. The Koran itself says it. Only these two peoples will unite and fight against the true enemy (Iran) that has nothing to do with Abraham and his children: Ishmael and Isaiah.

    2. José, it's obvious that you exude anti-Semitism.

      Stay quiet, that way you'll get into less trouble.

      Think about it,…if you still can!

  3. Thank you very much Don Jose for this report, what you say is true.
    May God bless you and your family and thank you for informing us and telling us the truth, always, because only news about Hamas appears in the world's media.
    Which are false. People who say negative things are because they do not know the God of Israel, nor the people of Israel or what the scriptures say.
    He who blesses Israel will be blessed and he who curses Israel will be cursed.

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