Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

Vatican ambassador summoned by government over Pope's comments on Israel

December 28th 2024 , ,
Pope Francis' pastoral visit to Korea in 2014. Photo: / Korean Culture and Information Service (Photographer name), CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.Pope Francis' pastoral visit to Korea in 2014. Photo: / Korean Culture and Information Service (Photographer name), CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

During a Christmas speech this week, Pope Francis condemned Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. The pontiff said: “Yesterday, children were bombed. This is not war. This is cruelty. I want to say this because it touches my heart.”

While he avoided repeating the accusation of cruelty, he described the situation in Gaza as “extremely serious” and called for an immediate ceasefire.

These statements prompted a response from Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Oren Mamorstein. Mamorstein accused Francis of “ignoring the cruelty of Hamas.”

The Israeli Foreign Ministry also summoned Vatican Ambassador to Israel Adolpho Tito Yllana to hold talks with the director general following the Pope's recent comments.

In December, Francis had already said that accusations of genocide in Gaza “must be carefully investigated,” and he also found himself embroiled in a conflict when a photograph was released of him standing next to a manger where the baby Jesus was wrapped in a keffiyeh, a symbol of the Palestinian cause.

At the time, Israel’s Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Combating Anti-Semitism, Amichai Chikli, responded in a letter accusing the Pope of perpetuating a “dangerous blood libel” against Israel and distorting history.

16 thoughts on “Vatican ambassador summoned by government over Pope’s comments on Israel”
  1. “Vatican ambassador summoned by government over Pope’s comments on Israel – Aurora Israel News in Spanish”

    If Jorge BERGOGLIO does not want war between Hamas vs Israel, BERGOGLIO needs to do, among others, these main things:

    1. Renounce the Vatican Jesuit-Logiera policy of two states for Jerusalem and the Palestinian lands vs Israel.

    2. Bergoglio demands to renounce the application of the logiera mechanics of the Obregón syndrome against Ayatollah Hamanei to possess the oil sales of this Iranian government for 34 years of oil production.

    3. BERGOGLIO demands the release of the hostages, both living and dead, that Hamas currently holds, due to the Vatican's Jesuit-Logiera policy of two states, a disastrous policy that began with his predecessor Carol Boitila/Saddam Hussein.

    4. Bergoglio demands to renounce possession of the gold of the Eurozone to finance his new inquisition and new global religion that BERGOGLIO intends to implement but without Jesus Christ.

    5. Bergoglio needs to give up sticking his nose in, especially where BERGOGLIO pretends that he is affected by the Palestinian/Hamas vs. Israel case to give Carol Boitila's two-state policy a pretext.

    CCP The Vatican ambassador to Israel.

    May God bless, protect, strengthen and give wisdom to Israel and Mexico always….!!!

  2. The Vatican Jesuit logiera policy of the two states has to its credit BERGOGLIO nearly 50 thousand deaths including the children that he claims to protect.

    May God bless, protect, strengthen and give wisdom to Israel and Mexico always…!!!!

  3. Israel or Jews in general should be very careful with what they say about the Pope, let alone if it is to criticize him. Catholic fundamentalists are especially virulent when it comes to taboo subjects, one of these taboos being the Pope or the infallibility of the Pope, a kind of Saint on Earth who knows everything or is told everything, supposedly God himself, so it is impossible for him to ever be wrong and furthermore everything he says is always indisputably “good”. They are not even to be trusted, taking advantage of the current love affair with the Jews and with Israel of even Catholics or right-wing and ultra-right-wing Catholics.

    Even the most Catholic Spaniards, those on the right and fascists, are not to be trusted, even if the current Pope is a Jesuit supposedly from the Latin American “rojillos”, criticized by the most rancid Catholic sectors of Spain. For example, the famous politician Ricardo de la Cierva, one of the favorite revisionist historians of the most rancid Spain and of the Spanish fascists, recently passed away. This character wrote a book in which he continued to maintain a traditional Spanish desire to keep a certain distance from the Vatican; for the current fascists the Vatican would continue to be even infiltrated by the Judeo-Masons, as appears in “The Infiltration” by Ricardo de la Cierva, in which he practically points the finger at the current Argentine Jesuit Pope. In any case, these would be the slogans or nonsense of certain Catholic sectors, the most fundamentalist or extremist or those who believe themselves to be pro-Spanish, in most cases living outside of Spanish reality and that of their own Catholic Spaniards, since those in these sectors believe that they are the representatives of authentic Catholicism or the only possible one, not the current one or that of the Vatican which would be too contaminated by political interests and by the circumstances or interests of the moment that always occur between the countries of the world, while they remain in their origins or in those of original Catholicism, which is none other than the rancid medieval Spanish Catholicism, when Catholic Spaniards were Moor-killers, or sometimes they were also Catholic crusaders, although for other contemporaries they were known as ignorant lunatics, only interested in war and in Catholicism, and this the Spanish elites, the nobility, of the rest of the Spaniards it is impossible to even imagine what they would be like, of course on the part of Spanish historians it will never be known.

  4. Apparently, the current “red” Pope Francis would also be the nemesis of the immediately preceding Popes, although in practice this does not happen, for example, during the pontificate of John Paul II, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (an official Vatican body that is described as the heir of the Spanish Inquisition), then headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (his successor in the papacy as Benedict XVI), prohibited teaching to Catholic theologians such as Hans Küng, one of the most prominent Catholic theologians labeled as “progressives,” or Leonardo Boff, within a successful movement to isolate and neutralize the promoters of Liberation Theology in Latin America, that is, those known as “red” Jesuits, and the nickname was no small thing, in those years some Jesuits came to collaborate with communist terrorist groups in Latin America, or also some Jesuit priests were murdered by the state terrorism of fascist governments. Latin Americans. Those Jesuits would have a similar ideology to the current Latin American Jesuits like the current Pope Francis, including a powerful Catholic lobby in the United States, of Jesuits, that supports the Democratic Party, for example these American Jesuits are in favor of legalizing gay marriage or in some cases abortion, that is, at the opposite pole of John Paul II, or not to mention the ultra-right, fascist and also many Spanish neo-Nazis, and the Spanish medievals of the ultra-Catholic sect of Opus Dei, although it is understood that all this is within the limited official Catholic ideological range, not to mention the electoral strategies to win the Latino vote in the United States, which add up to a very high percentage among the American population, while in Spain "it looks ugly" to criticize a Pope, no matter how "reddish" he may be.

  5. The most rancid sectors of Spain rarely speak in public about their ideology or their beliefs, so to speak. An example was a recent unwatchable video published on Youtube by the Spanish fascist pro-Nazi Falangists, a lecture by the wayward daughter of the writer Almudena Grandes and the communist poet and politician Luis García Montero. For those who do not want to swallow the video, it can be summed up in a "Me, my, myself, with me", omitting all their many mistakes and crimes committed, without trying to rectify them. Spanish Falangists often speak as if they represented all Spaniards and the history of Spain. Although this YouTube video is from Falange, the great traditional Spanish fascist party, at least 99% of Spaniards would not be able to distinguish either the language they speak, or whether it is Spanish or Swahili. In principle, the original Falangists should be classified as Nazis, those nihilistic atheists and followers of "The Prophet", the philosopher Nietzsche, however, from the beginning in the Falange party there were also disturbed people from this picturesque ultra-Catholic sub-sector. This would be the Spanish ultra-Catholicism most closely linked to fascism or Nazism, somewhat different from the ultra-Catholic fascism of the Jesuits or that of the ultra-Catholic madmen of the Carlists or Requetés. This more ultra-Catholic Falangist subsector may believe themselves to be Templars or violent medieval crusaders, those who went to Jerusalem for all the holy wars that the Pope thought up, also differentiating themselves from the rest of European Christians, the Protestants or, as they seem to say, Christian substitutes although they were once of the same ultra-Catholicism that they profess, that is to say, they surely believe themselves to be more fascist than any other. One of the reasons why the Protestant Reformation began in the 16th century in Germany was precisely because of the Catholic Church's custom of selling indulgences or papal bulls, that is, the rich were given a document with an official certificate or seal from the Pope, in exchange for a lot of money, so that when they died they would enter Heaven, without questions or paperwork, as the Spanish right-wing and fascists like so much... instead of going to the Devil as they should normally be, according to the most normal Catholicism and which all Spaniards also know, including the most fascist. Not only was there criticism of the papal bulls, but also of the love of wealth on the part of the Catholic Church and the Vatican, which in those years was largely financed by the sale of papal bulls. At first, these papal bulls to buy forgiveness of sins could only be signed by the Pope, but over time the business of the bulls expanded or got out of hand.

    At least in this video you can hear them say what any self-respecting Spaniard knows very well, but somewhere in the middle of so much unintelligible verbiage you can understand that the Falangist criticises Protestantism in the video, or associates it with the current capitalist system, which for all fascist Falangists would be an evil thing or of the Devil, while they or all Spanish fascists would be the good guys in the film, for being ultra-Catholics or for having always remained faithful on the side of the "good guys" with the Pope, while quite a few pro-Nazi Falangists are nihilistic atheists who care very little about Christianity. According to what has been instilled in Spaniards related to these sectors, they see the rest of the Christian sects as little more than alien to their Catholic religion, they would be little more than Jews.

    Apart from the low percentage of Spaniards who practice Catholicism in today's Spanish society, for example there is only a small percentage of Spaniards who still marry "in church", but in addition the Catholic Church is currently suffering a large flight of believers to evangelical Christian sects, both in South America or those brought to Spain by Latin immigrants, as well as in the marginal neighborhoods of Spain, many of which are dominated by gypsy clans, criminal mafias that, at least in the past, are generally dedicated to drug trafficking of heroin, a drug of which they have or had the exclusive control within Spain, imported from Afghanistan via Turkish mafias, one of those drugs that generates a lot of money in very little money.

    1. The book “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” by Max Weber, written between 1904 and 1905, is the one that influenced a large number of Protestant Christians to dedicate themselves to work in the secular world by developing enterprises and participating in trade and the accumulation of wealth for investment. In other words, the Protestant Work Ethic was a major force behind the unplanned and uncoordinated rise of modern capitalism, that is, it is the book with which Protestant Christianity found its justification for making money, although it is also a fundamental book for the Spanish fascists and neo-Nazis, since it relates evil capitalism with Protestant Christian sects, such as for example with the evil evangelical Christian sects of the United States of evil American capitalism, equivalent to the capitalism of the Jews. So they, the Spanish fascists and neo-Nazis, or Spanish Catholics in general, or their masters, the Spanish businessmen and upper classes, would be the "good guys" in all their fantasy films. Naturally, this is somewhat absurd in a country like Spain, first because it is assumed that it belongs to the civilized side of the democratic countries, to the European Union and NATO, which implicitly includes all the things that are proper to capitalism, such as free competition, the law of supply and demand, the right to private property, equality in individual opportunities to earn money legally, and all that. Right now, anyone who visits any city in Spain, or at least as long as it does not leave the streets for the Spanish upper and middle classes, will hardly notice any differences with any other European country, nor will they notice any great differences with the large American cities; even the Spanish cities with the lowest per capita incomes are hardly different from Madrid or Barcelona. On the other hand, the evangelical Christian sects are or promote ultra-capitalism, which would be a copy of the American one, and more or less the same could be said of the Spanish ultra-Catholic sect of Opus Dei. This despite the fact that, for the most fascist and neo-Nazi Spaniards, the Americans, or the capitalists in general, would be practically the same as their evil Jews or also their evil infiltrated Judeo-Masonics, although especially in Spain there is a mess with all this because of the existence of communist hippies.

      Or, for example, many of the most fascist and neo-Nazi Spaniards also try to copy Nazi Germany, and at the beginning of Hitler's Nazi Germany there was a particularly communist branch of the Nazi party called the Strasserists, although Hitler and his people soon got rid of them in one of the purges they were inventing as they went along. For example, among the most disturbed Spanish neo-Nazis and fascists today, they have the habit of allowing each other to do business and make money, but with a maximum profit margin according to a table or according to the number that comes up in a lottery draw in their brains, as for example when selling their books or Nazi paraphernalia merchandising, it is important to sell them at a price with which they keep a small percentage of profits, small enough so that these pearls consider that they are not going to be called Jews, or years ago one of the Spanish television channels showed the one who was known as the leader of the neo-Nazi ultras of Real Madrid, a certain Ochaita, selling paraphernalia and the tickets that the club gave him, it is unknown if they gave them to him for free or just reserved them for him, while the Nazi leader proudly declared that he did not charge a commission. Years later, he was interviewed again, already retired from his previous position, declaring himself regretful of what he might have done in the past, or of what might have been known, while he was working as a doorman at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, but a doorman who punched tickets, not a doorman for Buyo or Casillas.

    2. Franco and the Falangists were like that at the beginning, if not worse, it’s just that the Spanish fascist dictatorship suddenly became capitalist after the incorporation of the so-called “technocratic” ministers of Opus Dei, bringing the Spanish fascists out of the misery into which the extremely inept Falangists plunged them with their pretentious, or racist, economic policy called “autarchy”, that is, they believed they could make Spain again the world superpower it was during their beloved Middle Ages, just by working with their hands or, rather, by making others work, and also by discovering the many natural resources that had been left forgotten and unexploited by the foolish and evil Spanish Judeo-Masons. The Opus Dei replaced these inept Falangists, they arrived just when Franco signed the military agreements with the United States in 1953 that brought the regime out of international isolation, in exchange for several military bases on Spanish territory and becoming a faithful dog of the United States against the Soviet communists. In the end, it was the capitalism that they hated so much that saved them, and it also saved the Spanish fascist rabble from misery, saved by the bell. Shortly before, in Spain, some people apparently worked a little because they saw inventions that had been copied or already forgotten in the rest of the world, such as cars with lead batteries to be able to move some merchandise without needing precious oil, due to the international blockade against the Spanish dictatorship for having been so fascist and Nazi.

      To confuse even more, Spanish businessmen and upper classes are of the most ultra-liberal right-wing ideologies that can be found in the world, they may even be worse than the worst American businessmen or most ultra-capitalist magnates, without forgetting that Spain is the western country with the greatest social differences between the different Spanish castes or social classes, in Spain the rich are always much richer and the poor are many more and poorer than what is reflected in the official statistics, statistics that even in macroeconomic or simplified numbers serve Spanish politicians to receive the obligatory approval of the European Union, however Spain would be a European country with many similarities with the absurd society of the United States, or perhaps it is even much worse, with handicaps that do not occur as much in the United States such as classism, how extremely corrupt these Spaniards are or the clientelist networks with the Spanish rabble serving their masters. Naturally, these sectors never self-criticize and hide these classist nonsense in Spain, for example in the frequent economic crises, or in the consequences of their economic policies, they always manage to blame the socialists and communists, with a large part of the Spaniards who believe them wholeheartedly, as is the case with the recent selective mass murders of sick and elderly people with coronavirus left to their fate, we must not forget that public health and public nursing homes suffered strong processes of privatization and budget cuts by the right-wing governments of Aznar, these right-wing Spanish politicians were known as the "Spanish neocons" or copies of the American governments with the most ultra-liberal economic policies of those years, although for years before many Spaniards had been taking out private pension plans and health insurance to take care of their health.

  6. The “rojillos” Jesuits are from recent decades, since they appeared at the end of the Spanish Middle Ages they have been a constant source of political conflicts in many states or kingdoms, and were even expelled from Spain several times. Like the Jews, they were accused of secretly conspiring or of serving only the political interests of the Pope in the Vatican. At the end of the Second World War, the writer Edmond Paris, disqualified or persecuted by ultra-Catholics, defined the Jesuits as the best example of moral relativism, that is, they do not care what is done, perhaps even going so far as to murder or go to war, as long as they achieve their goal, which is none other than to evangelize the entire world. This writer also related the Jesuits to great Nazi leaders such as Himmler and Goebbels, the latter studied at a Jesuit school and even wanted to be a Jesuit priest. Previously in Spain, for example, a layman close to the Spanish Jesuits was Onésimo Redondo, one of the 3 great historical leaders of the Spanish fascist party, along with José Antonio, an aristocrat who was elected, or perhaps imposed, by the Spanish businessmen and upper classes, and the more pro-Nazi and nihilist Ramiro Ledesma... while the little dictator Franco, for the most frenzied Spanish fascists and Nazis, would rather be a nobody. Well, this founder of Falange, the traditional Spanish fascist party, published the best-known Spanish translation of the famous libel. We are talking about the fascist leader who was perhaps the most Catholic or perhaps the one who was most determined to fulfill what Catholicism instilled, very close to the Jesuit sect, the ultra-Catholic sect that called the shots in Spain at that time. Cardinal Herrera Oria himself, the leader of the Jesuits, hooked him up with a job as a translator at a German university, during the rise of Nazism. The most classic accusation against Jews, or also against Freemasons, especially by fascists and Nazis, is to believe in anti-Semitic conspiracies based on the general concept that Jews seek economic power, for example through Jewish multinationals they conspire to take control of planet Earth and do whatever they want without anyone saying anything to them, such as rape and child sacrifice to worship the Devil, in addition the money conspiracy is shared with communists and other anti-Semites.

  7. This gentleman should take action against his pedophile priests who rape children or distribute the millions from the Vatican to the poor, but I am not talking about the hostages or the terrorists because he is one of them.


  9. The Vatican leader should express what is written: "May the GOD OF PEACE himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit-soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST" 1 Thessalonians 5:23; the rest of human chatter divides-subtracts-hurts the soul where the mind-emotions and will of men and women are.

  10. The devil on earth, this dad, I say this with respect since he represents Catholics, he always looks at reality with one eye, he never condemns terrorism that has nothing to do with the Palestinians.

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