The government presents a plan for the north of the country for 3.500 billion shekels

Nentanyahu in the north. Haim Zach/GPO.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met, in Korazim, with the heads of the northern local and regional councils, along with members of the War Cabinet.

At the meeting, the president ordered that in the coming days the NIS 3.500 billion government decision on northern development, which is currently being formulated, is presented.

The main pillars of the decision will be internal affairs, economic and security aspects. The steering committee will include the Directors General of the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Finance.

The Prime Minister and ministers heard council chiefs speak about the internal needs of residents of frontline communities who were evacuated from their homes and residents beyond the evacuated areas. The council heads expressed their support for the Prime Minister and members of the War Cabinet and said that despite the difficulties on the internal civilian front, "it is necessary to defeat our enemies."

The meeting was attended by the heads of the following local and regional councils: Mateh Asher, Kfar Vradim, Upper Galilee, Hurfeish, Yesod Hama'ala, Mevo'ot Hermon, Maaleh Yosef, Ma'alot, Merom Galil, Nahariya, Peki'in . , Fassuta, Kiryat Shemonah, Safed, Metula, Kisra-Sumei, Beit Jann, Gush Chalav, Mi'iliya, Golan, Katzrin, Majdal Shams, Mas'ade and Chatzor Haglilit.

The Prime Minister's Chief of Staff also participated in the meeting; the Directors General of the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Transport; the Military Secretary to the Prime Minister, the Chief of the IDF Home Front Command, the Northern Director of the Ofek Authority and the Deputy Director General of Internal Affairs, Planning and Development of the Prime Minister's Office.


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