Dror Ben, CEO of the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA), announced that the organization, together with the Ministry of Labor, decided to invest in community integration programs for Bedouins and Ethiopians in Israeli territory.
“One of the objectives of the IIA is to integrate human capital from the social and geographical peripheries into the high-tech sector,” explained Dror Ben.
Furthermore, he added that “the crisis in the high-tech industry presents an opportunity for companies to invest in the training of existing employees. Also for the integration of potential candidates from diverse backgrounds to create value and obtain a competitive advantage through innovative thinking and new perspectives for problem solving.”
The IIA is awaiting proposals from companies and organizations to fund integration programs for the Bedouin and Ethiopian community. They will prioritize those that are framed within the high-tech industry, with an emphasis on practical training and assistance to reduce school dropout rates.
For programs with a budget less than NIS 1 million, the IIA will participate by financing between 50 and 70% of the total cost. For programs between NIS 1 and 15 million, the government agency will contribute up to 50% of the budget.
And so the money goes away, inflation increases due to the broadcast and nothing from those programs comes back. We're not doing well like this. It is copying populist models with a State that loses money (gives it away).
Inserting citizens into the labor market is not a gift. More jobs means more taxes collected by the government, both from businesses and from increased consumption. This is called INVESTMENT and not useless emission of money. Crime rates also tend to decrease. Go study some economics instead of spewing xenophobic and misguided ideas.
Obviously dear Martin, it is obvious that you are a racist and ignorant!!!! Surely you live comfortably in a house, in a city and you don't have the slightest idea of what the state of need and well-being of these people is????
What would be your proposal in this regard, convert them into garbage recyclers?
…even the weakness of the body…it is necessary and useful, all the more so, if it is invested in “innovative thinking…” as the “cavalleri” with the (somewhat strange) name Dror says. Just think of Father Abraham "very rich"... he had to invest in his servants with innovative and practical thoughts in his animal farms... (which were worth more than the land, which today pays an arm and a leg per m2) and each A Jew has a commandment to help the poor, orphans, foreigners... or when they have been born in a cradle of gold or inside a Roll Roice? Pedro, please find out if I spelled the English vehicle correctly, thank you.