Ecuador is a country with ancient roots, forgedor by women and men from different towns, that our various forms of religiosity and spirituality, independent, unitary, intercultural, plurinational and secular, infinitely diverse which celebrates nature and our four worlds are a paradise of life and heritage, capable of making your spirit vibrate with magical adventures.Ecuador is a jewel that hides the most beautiful corners in each of its towns and cities throughout the country, especially those called "Magical Towns."
A magical town is a place that over time and in the face of modernity, has preserved, valued and defended its historical, cultural and natural heritage, which is manifested in various expressions through its material and immaterial heritage, where attractions, services, activities and tourist experiences are grouped together, which enable its promotion and access to national and foreign markets. Promoted by the Ministry of Tourism of Ecuador through the program "Magical Towns Ecuador - Four Worlds", the "Magical Town" designation promotes the natural attractions and cultural assets of the sector and motivates its inhabitants to create new tourist routes and products for visitors, as an alternative for responsible and sustainable development, which preserves ancient stories, authentic traditions, living cultures, exquisite flavors and wonderful people who give life to magical places. To date, the program has recognized 21 fascinating locations, which await you in the most beautiful corners with unique stories and traditions, surprising natural spaces, ancestral cultures, exquisite gastronomy and very charismatic and talented:Los Andes (mountain region)San Gabriel, Saint Anthony of Ibarra, Pimampiro, Cotacachi, Cayambe, Rumiñahui, Potato, Guano, Alausí, Azogues, Chordeleg, Saraguro y Bald. Seas and Hills (coastal region)Esmeraldas, Portoviejo, White water y Zaruma. La Selva (Amazon region)Lake Agio, Shushufindi y The Chaco.
Enchanted Islands (island region or Galapagos)Florena IslandNow that you know all the adventures that await you in our Magical Towns, go ahead and discover them and experience in person all that magic that has been preserved for you for years. Also, remember that in each town there are many establishments and entrepreneurs that await you with excellent services and their innate hospitality. Don't wait for someone to tell you about it, experience it yourself, Israeli citizens do not need a visa to travel to Ecuador for a period of up to 90 days for tourist reasons. For more information, you can consult by entering: