Lina Glushko is an Israeli tennis player ranked 201st in the WTA rankings.
In a match in New Zealand, while Glushko was facing Japan's Naomi Osaja, play had to be interrupted several times due to protests against Israel.
Protesters chanted slogans such as “Free Palestine” and “Israel is a terrorist state,” forcing play to be halted twice during the first set. The event organizers were unable to evict the protesters as they were on a public road.
After the match, which the Israeli player lost in two sets 6-4, 6-4, ended, Glushko revealed that the experience was intimidating and that she had to ask for personal protection.
Glushko also faced criticism on social media in New Zealand in the days leading up to the match for posts in which she expressed support for Israel.
After the match, Osaka praised her opponent, calling her “an incredible opponent. I had never played against her before. It was good to have to push myself in the first round.”
Lina Glushko will continue her professional tennis season next week, taking part in the qualifying rounds of the Australian Open.
Anti-Israelis are found all over the world, unfortunately history repeats itself. They do not accept that others have greater capabilities than those who insult us.
We should take our great discoveries off the market: the polio vaccine, Weiss, and thousands more. What would the world be without our geniuses spread all over the world? What would Israel be without having developed artificial irrigation? That is why envy is difficult to eradicate. But we must continue forward. We have our slogans very clear. Heads held high and the spirit 100% alive. LONG LIVE ISRAEL AND THE JEWS IN THE WORLD. JORGE LEIMAN