Elías Levy Benarroch ׀ Madrid.
The government of socialist Pedro Sánchez has intensified its ties with the Palestinians by signing a series of agreements under which it will grant them another 75 million euros in aid, and its commitment to strengthen the UNRWA refugee agency, measures that together represent a greater distancing from Israel's positions. But the cherry on top of the week has been the assurance from Foreign Ministry sources that Spain will arrest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he lands in the country, following the order issued on Thursday by the International Criminal Court (ICC).
It has been known for almost a year that Spanish-Israeli relations are at their worst since 1986, but if anyone was hoping that the crisis had bottomed out and that an improvement was in sight, the facts on the ground indicate the opposite.
On Thursday, Sánchez received Palestinian Prime Minister Muhammad Mustafa at the Moncloa Palace, the seat of the Government, for what was the first intergovernmental meeting between the two countries since the official recognition of the “State of Palestine” by Madrid on May 28. Sánchez described the meeting as a “symbol” of the commitment “to the present and future of Palestine,” according to an official statement, adding that the meeting aimed to “contribute to projecting the statehood of Palestine internationally and encourage other countries to follow the step taken by Spain” in May.

The recognition of the state, after several clashes in the previous months due to the incessant Spanish criticism of Israel in the Gaza war, meant a break in relations between the two countries, after which the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel Katz, decided to call for consultations the ambassador Rodica Radián-Gordon, who was about to return after completing her mission. Her successor, Tzvi Vapni, has not set foot in Spain, at least not officially, nor is he expected to do so in the near future.
At the meeting, the governments of Spain and the Palestinian Authority signed a Joint Declaration reaffirming “the partnership of both countries for peace,” and four memoranda of understanding on the areas of work, education, youth and agriculture. Spain also pledged to support the Palestinians “with at least 75 million euros” over the next two years, after having already tripled its aid during 2023 and 2024.
The meeting was attended by, among others, the second vice-president, Yolanda Díaz, and the Minister of Youth and Childhood, Sira Rego, the latter two from the left-wing coalition Sumar and among the most critical of Israel. Both have repeatedly called for breaking off diplomatic relations.
And although Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares stated weeks ago that Spain will not break relations with Israel, just as it has not done so with Russia in the case of the war in Ukraine, relations between the two countries have become even more complex – if possible – since the ICC issued the arrest warrant against Netanyahu and his former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
Unlike other European governments, Spain has not officially commented on the decision of the Criminal Court, but sources in Foreign Affairs have communicated to the media - on condition of anonymity - that it will "respect" the arrest warrants. This is not surprising given that Sánchez supported a few months ago the South African process against Israel, for alleged genocide, before the International Court of Justice. Now, without going into details, they only said that "Spain respects the decision of the ICC and will comply with its commitments and obligations in relation to the Rome Statute and International Law."
Within the political spectrum in Spain, the only one who has spoken out on the case has been the leader of the right-wing party Vox, Santiago Abascal, who has described the ICC as “an instrument at the service of evil.” In a message on social media, the leader of Vox asks “when has (the ICC) issued an arrest warrant against the criminal (Cuban) Díaz-Canel, against the Iranian Ayatollah or the tyrant Maduro who murder their own people?” and asserts that “there is no legitimacy in anyone who today equates the murderous terrorists of Hamas with the head of a democratic government who defends his people from those who want to exterminate them.”
Consulted by Aurora, sources at the Israeli Embassy in Madrid have declined to comment on Spain's position.
They did, however, speak out about a meeting held a few days ago in the Congress of Deputies by pro-Palestinian parties and groups to which UN rapporteur Francesca Albanese, the target of condemnation by the US, Germany and France for anti-Semitism, was invited. The Israeli Embassy stressed that the Congress was thus opening “its doors to an anti-Semite and defender of terrorism” and regretted that it had welcomed “a speech by someone who has long used her mandate in the UN to spread Hamas propaganda.”
A few days earlier, and following Israel's demands to dismantle UNRWA because of the use and abuse made by Hamas, the Senate issued an almost unanimous declaration of support for the socialist government's policy of defending and preserving this organisation at the international level and "contributing to the promotion of initiatives by the international community to prevent its dismantling." The immediate consequence was an additional allocation of almost 900.000 euros in favour of this organisation.
The proposal, presented by the PSOE (socialist), was approved by 254 senators in favour, while only 3 voted against, those of Vox, the only party in Spain that since the outbreak of the war has unconditionally aligned itself with Israel. Its president, Abascal, has visited Israel this year and maintains a close relationship with Minister Amihai Chikly, who a few days ago publicly congratulated him on his appointment as president of the Patriots for Europe parliamentary group.
For its part, in the vote, the Popular Party (centre-right) tried to introduce amendments aimed at carrying out “independent audits to guarantee the use of funds exclusively for humanitarian and emergency health purposes”, and to verify that the use of money does not lead to terrorism. Within this party, and on an individual basis, only the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, has repeatedly expressed herself in favour of Israel.
VIDEO: Appearance of Senator Ángel Pelayo, from Vox, in which he assures that his party will not support any socialist motion that supports organizations such as UNRWA, infiltrated by Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists.
I don't understand how a Jewish newspaper like Aurora Israel gives free publicity to the Spanish far-right party Vox. At most, it would be understandable if it did so with the right-wing Popular Party, and this is not even understood now that political ideologies are more in the wrong with anti-Semitism than ever, all over the world, not just in Spain. This Vox party is a sweetened version of the most rancid Spanish fascism, a party invented by fascist businessmen who were worried about the emergence of the communists of Podemos and seeing that they were hardly getting any votes with another fascist party destined to be as successful as the European ones, a party with a more fascist or neo-Nazi bent like that of the Valencians of Spain 2000.
Vox is supported by the most fanatical Spanish ultra-Catholics and by quite a few fascists and neo-Nazis, most of them very anti-Semitic, if not racist, following the same ideology as Nazism in Nazi Germany, although lately they are trying to give an even more sweetened image when they see that they have stagnated like the communists, purging the party of ultra-Catholics, racists and neo-Nazis.
In any case, as the repentant Spanish neo-Nazi David Saavedra recently said, one of the few witnesses that Spaniards have to know what Spanish fascists and neo-Nazis are really like, or rather to know that fascists and neo-Nazis exist in Spain, he declared that many anti-Semitic fascists and neo-Nazis vote for Vox as a “lesser evil”, even though they do not like it, especially because of Vox’s support for Israel. He also said that in Vox there are, or were before the purges, “legendary” Nazis well known to all Spanish fascists and neo-Nazis, the same ones who continue to spread Jewish conspiracies, the occult, the racist theory of “the great replacement”, or who organize conferences by the American racist David Duke, the leader of the Ku Klux Klan, after he traveled to Iran to attend large anti-Semitic meetings organized annually by the fundamentalist regime. Not to mention the traditional Spanish fascist party, Falange, which supports the Palestinians and denounces Israel, or the Falangist Isabel Peralta, alias “la pija nazi”, who became famous for some anti-Semitic statements during a tribute to the Blue Division, the 50.000 Falangists who went to help Nazi Germany in Operation Barbarossa, and shortly after published a video with some Spanish neo-Nazis in which she defended Palestinian terrorism by repeating the famous phrase “from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea”, in other words, all these Spanish fascists, many of whom support Vox, are barely distinguishable from Spanish communists.
As for the Spanish government's support for the Palestinians, perhaps the socialists are forced to follow their communist government partners, although left-wing newspapers such as El País, or the television channels closest to the government, publish almost daily the deaths of Palestinian civilians, especially children, the famine, the lack of hospitals, etc., without forgetting the complaints that occur about some abuses by Israeli soldiers or Jewish ultras. And although they rather repeat the exaggerated figures of Palestinian terrorists, it is difficult to believe that a humanitarian tragedy is not really occurring apart from the consequences expected in any war. The socialist government has become a defender of the Palestinians, with a role of Robin Hood or replacing the most expected role in the Spanish Catholic Church, the humanitarian and anti-war role, it would never be due to anti-Semitism, or also perhaps as opposition to the blatant support of the right and the ultra-right of Vox to Israel.
Regarding what the fascists of Vox say about the support of the government of socialists and communists to Palestinian terrorists, or to Iran, the Spanish state, regardless of the government, is fully integrated into the European Union and the military structure of NATO, that is, it cannot even hint at going it alone in any matter of international or military security. Not to mention that in Spain there are several American military bases, ceded after the pacts of the United States in exchange for international openness to the Spanish fascist regime, after this pact Israel became an ally of Spain, even the Mossad trained agents of the Spanish secret service. So, all these high-sounding statements of the Spanish extreme right are a toast to the sun.
As for the CPI's complaint against Netanyahu, it is known in advance that this complaint will not have any major consequences, or in the CPI anyone, even an ordinary citizen, can file a complaint, another thing is whether they admit it, and for example the fascists or a related organization recently filed a crazy complaint against the governing coalition of socialists and communists for the deaths in Spain during the coronavirus pandemic, since many elderly people in public nursing homes and sick people in public hospitals died in Spain, more than expected, especially in a country that boasted around the world of being humanitarian or even for its excellent public health system. The elderly and sick died left to their own devices or due to a lack of hospital resources, and these fascists blame the government, when public health in Spain is the responsibility of regional governments, in many cases in the hands of the right and the far right, as is the case with the worst example of all, which is the region or the autonomous government of Madrid, in addition to the lack of resources in public hospitals and the very deficient public nursing homes are due to the cuts of the previous Spanish right-wing governments, the well-known neocon governments or with ultra-liberal economic policies copied from the most extremist Republicans in the United States, which left Spanish public health care in its bones or privatized many of the public nursing homes, in the hands of their Spanish business friends who only look out for money, these were the homes where most of the elderly died, literally left to their own devices during the first days of the pandemic.
In this way, the Spanish government decides to embark on a path of disgrace. They have not learned from the history of the Inquisition. And they declare themselves lovers of peace, defending criminal terrorists. It must be because they feel identified with them, given their history of genocide of the native peoples of America. Or the disasters caused by their transnational companies that, as in the past, have plundered the Latin American economies.
The Spanish government has failed to foresee or contain the ecological disaster in Valencia, but it is giving generously to a supposed and self-proclaimed “Palestinian State”.
Everyone decides how to commit suicide. The socialist government of Spain is condemning its people to a fate of misfortune.
Just let time pass and the facts will prove it. Valencia, Malaga… it was just the beginning.
Don't talk about Spain but about the corrupt government that shames the Spanish people and the entire world.
Pedro Sánchez is a friend of terrorists, we know that in Latin America, he will receive his punishment from heaven just like all those who hate Israel?
By giving money to terrorists, this Sanchez is already doing nothing for Valencia, you piece of shit.
Spain at the forefront of stupidity and anti-Semitism, what could be expected from the illiterate Spanish ultra-left?
Tremendous mistake of Spain,
Tremendous mistake of Spain,