Palestinian massacre. Is today yesterday? Reflection.

Augusts 8, 2024 , ,
Thousands of people gather before the funeral procession of those murdered in the “Matanza de Atocha” (Madrid, January 26, 1977). This silent and peaceful demonstration (many people raise their fists as the hearses pass by) was decisive for the president of the government Adolfo Suárez to decide to legalize the Communist Party of Spain two and a half months later (the “Red Holy Saturday”). Photo: Wikipedia - Public domain

“And if you do not banish the inhabitants of the Earth from before you, what is left of them will be stings in your eyes, thorns in your sides, and they will distress you on the land that you will be in. And it will be as I thought I would do to them that I will do to you.”
 Book of Numbers Chapter 33, verses 55 and 56.

Palestinian Massacre.

It was an Argentine rock band that appeared back in the mid-eighties.

And there is no doubt that “the Palestinian issue” and “the Palestinian cause” have managed to impose themselves in the world as a flag, example, excuse or pretext, symbol of struggle and resistance, attracting many followers both in broad sectors of the left, as well as of the the old and historical anti-Semitic and Nazi right.

It is striking, but not new, that the extremes come together, when it comes to fighting against Israel, which represents “the Jew” among the nations.


The word Cover is a screen, a covering, and is related to the word concealer. That is, a shield or umbrella where all those who, for various reasons, have animosity against the Jewish people, can find a shield or umbrella that gives them “legitimacy” in their criticism of Israel regarding the supposed or real suffering of the Arab-Palestinians. , in such a way that they escape the label of racists or Nazis, trying to reverse the equation in order to be able to shift all the blame or responsibility for the supposed suffering of the people who call themselves “descendants of the Philistines”, and where even in the face of a explicit absurdity and inconsistent of these arguments, however they persist in permeating all societies, groups or countries, fueling hatred and a poison that is already long-standing (ancestral).

Resentful and violent.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Islam in its radical and extremist version is so successful in attracting followers in marginalized, discriminated or resentful populations.

An example of this, although not the only ones, are African Americans (in the USA) and prison populations, in the latter, presenting “a new generation of Imams” among former prisoners, with a history of sexual predation and even murder.

Fatal tuning.

There is no doubt that an unstable world, and a West in moral decline, is easy prey to be invaded and destroyed internally, as we currently see in various European countries. Before, calm and meek, and today, drowned under a tide of Muslims, whose demographic growth and violence disorients and intimidates civilians and even the police and military of the old continent.

Aim. World domination.

And the “Palestinian” cause, as we said before, is the mask of the murderer, which focuses the world's attention on “what Israel does or does not do” and meanwhile, the European gentiles and other latitudes do not realize that they are already invaded. them and their countries by thousands or millions of hostile and ungrateful Muslims towards their host countries.

Blindness has reached such a point that even massacres like that of Atocha in Spain, or from Bataclan and in the magazine Charlie Hebdo in France, or the multiple stabbings in the English streets, do not end up awakening a native population, unsuspecting (naive or candid) and confused, of the terrible sword that hangs over their heads, considered "infidels" by those to whom who have opened the doors of their homes, and even support them by adopting the position of “useful idiots.”

The prophecy. Final.

To sum up, in truth, the people of the world care little about the “real Palestinian”. And they use “the symbolic Palestinian” as a means or tool to fight against Israel, or to favor the establishment of the global Caliphate.

The Torah, with revealed divine truth, warns us about these Palestinians, and their danger to our small town.

Decades-old attacks, and the last pogrom and the mini but bloody holocaust of 7-10, tell us and warn us that Israel must try to keep these people away, both in Gaza and in the West Bank.

Conclusion: “one can defend oneself in some way from external enemies, but when the problem is inside, at home, it is like a cancer, where resolution is always very difficult or painful, but non-resolution can be devastating.”

Chodesh Tov!

Dr. Natalio Daitch

One thought on “Palestinian massacre. Is today yesterday? Reflection."
  1. The dad is playing Haman in the book of Esther, for both states...

    Biden wanted the two states and the resignation of Nethayahu and the one who came to renounce the re-election of the US presidency was Biden.

    Bergoglio and his stateless rotten and murderous traitor lodges and secret societies wanted Israel and more specifically Nethayahu to be declared genocidal but he made Carol Boitila's mistake by asking for the two states equal to Hussein's request after Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, on behalf from Boitila.

    Bergoglio's mistake was to personally request the two states, which makes him complicit in the interest of possessing Jerusalem for Bergoglio/Vatican himself and the Jesuits as another crusade.

    Now we know that the genocidaires are not and have never been Israel, much less Nethayahu, which ensures the life and survival of all the people of Israel and, in nuclear terms, Nethayahu also protects the lives of many nations, including the USA.

    Bergoglio is the origin of evil along with his diabolical murderous lodges and secret societies.

    Bergoglio already has more than 40 thousand deaths to his credit for wanting to possess Jerusalem with the slogan of the two states.

    Because he did not participate in that massacre, Ratzinger resigned from the papacy.

    Ratzinger already knew what was coming.

    Like Haman, Bergoglio found it difficult and his interest in accusing Israel of being genocidal returned.

    Bergoglio is the current global genocidaire along with the troupe of political leaders, UN nations, etc., and the related world press, who have repeated the two states many times.

    Pope Bergoglio is the main genocidaire of the moment and his Jesuits in company, who have to their credit more than 40 thousand deaths due to him.

    May God bless, protect, strengthen and give wisdom to Israel and Mexico always….!!!

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