Fri. Feb 14th, 2025
Meeting of supporters of the National Socialist Party in Argentina. Photo: Wikipedia - Public Domain

David A. Rosenthal


Interview with Pablo Weschler

David A. Rosenthal: Why make a documentary about Nazis in South America?

Pablo Weschler.: First, I think it is a global issue. When one mentions Nazism, World War II, Hitler, Nazism in general, it turns out that it is not only an issue, let's say, of Jews being victims of Nazism or of Germans in the past or of Austrians, let's say, or European countries in general, but that the issue continues to be relevant at all levels.

Oppenheimer's film, for example, which was released a few months ago, was a huge success in all the cinemas of the world. Bibliographies of Stalin, Churchill, Hitler are sold at all the world's fairs today, and have been for the last 10 years. The subject of the Second World War is still vital and of interest to many, many millions of people.

Books are translated into Chinese, Russian, Spanish, English, of course. It is a very important and curious topic, interesting to millions and millions of people on all continents. I, too, then, was drawn to it on a personal level.

My father's side was killed in Poland during the war, so I was very interested in the subject of Nazism. I wanted to know what happened, what year it was, where it happened, what happened to them. In general, the Jewish people, apart from those who come from the Ashkenazi side, those who lived in Europe during the war, surely almost the majority had some kind of knowledge, or know of a relative who died in the war, so, on a personal level, I am very interested in the subject.

And besides, as an Argentine, knowing that I lived in Argentina at the same time as the Nazis who escaped to Argentina, that also caught my attention. So, I also wanted to cover this topic by talking about the escape of the Nazis from Europe to Argentina starting in 1945, which was the year the war ended.

DAR: Now, how reliable are the materials, sources and testimonies that were used for the documentary?

PW: Well, it is a good question because first I base myself on the CIA reports from that year, from the year 45, from 46-47, where they are writing that very important, heavyweight Nazis, Nazi leaders, escaped from Europe and arrived in Argentina. There are not one or two, I am talking about myself, I have seen and read eight reports from 1945 to 1948, in which they report that Nazis are circling Argentina, submarine caravans arrive in southern Argentina, on the Atlantic coast, in places like Necochea or south of Mar del Plata, which is the southern Atlantic zone of Argentina, and there are contacts between, on the one hand, the Argentine army that is waiting on the beach with trucks and Nazis, of course, and on the other hand, self-sinking of German submarines close by, a few kilometers from the coast, boats that come out of these submarines that are sunk and very large numbers of people and also wooden boxes arrive in boats, the question is, what did they bring, what was inside, of course, and who were these people who were constantly coming down, by the dozens, from the submarines that were arriving on the Argentine coast. It means, if the Argentine army is on the coast, that there is a kind of agreement, arrangement, accord between both sides.

That is on the side of the American reports that I was able to receive. On the other hand, I base myself on Patrick Burnside's book, Hitler's Escape, from 1999, in the first edition that was published, in which Patrick did a thorough job in southern Argentina, investigating the subject of the German community in southern Argentina, especially, and he had many reports and many sources and witnesses who really know a lot about the subject. We must also take into account the book The Authentic Odessa by Uki Goni, also a very well-known writer, both in Europe and in Argentina.

They provide many reports, photos and unique materials explaining the agreement and treaty that existed between the Nazis and, especially, detailing more and giving a lot of information about the contact that existed between the Nazis in Argentina and the former president of Argentina in 1945, Juan Domingo Perón and his wife Eva Duarte Perón, better known as Evita.

This couple, together with the Nazis of Argentina, did a very important job so that these German Nazis could escape from Europe and arrive clandestinely to Argentina, receive new identities there, they and their families, and live peacefully the rest of their days on Argentine soil without any problem, because they were protected by the wings of Juan Perón in those years.

DAR: How would this change history if it were confirmed, if it were proven?

PW: Well, we are now talking about Adolf Hitler. What happened? The official version says that Hitler committed suicide in the bunker in Germany, in Berlin, and that part of his skull is in the Kremlin safe in Moscow.

Years ago, anthropologists from the University of Kentucky in the United States were able to obtain a small part of the brain from this skull that was there, in the Kremlin safe, and they were able to take it to Kentucky to do a laboratory test, to see what happens with the DNA, whether it really belongs to Adolf Hitler or not. The result was absolute and no, it is negative. What they have in the Kremlin are not remains of Hitler's skull, but of another person.

The question then is, what happened to Adolf Hitler? What was the whereabouts of the Nazi leader? When the official version says that he committed suicide, then other people say that they saw him in southern Argentina. More than seven people saw him as direct witnesses, who saw Hitler from 45 onwards. And there are others, of course, who as third parties know of stories that they saw Hitler, always in three main areas.

In the province of Córdoba, he was in the area of ​​La Falda. He was in the province of Río Negro, in the valley, in southern Argentina, and of course in Bariloche and the area of ​​Villa Langostura. We have many sources from people who saw him there. American reports are also based on the fact that Hitler was in those three areas.

DAR: So the question is what happened to Hitler?

PW: So he arrived in Argentina with these famous submarine caravans in Argentina in July 45, according to what we have in terms of American information. What happened then from the moment he landed on Argentine soil onwards? Where did he die and where is his body? That is the big question, because I am 100% convinced that this person, this mass murderer, died in Argentina.

I have no doubt about it. I spoke with direct witnesses who saw Hitler. I spoke with a waitress at the Hotel Eden, in the province of Córdoba, in the city of La Falda, where she herself served Hitler personally, during the three days he was at the Hotel Eden.

There are other cases of direct witnesses in Mar del Plata, and most of them are concentrated, as I told you, in the south of Argentina, in the city of Bariloche, in the area of ​​Bariloche, Villa Langostura, in Río Negro, in the province of Río Negro. There was a very large community of Germans and Hitler was also around there, calmly, without any problems, of course with security, but he himself felt very safe in Argentina and without any problems. Just like Eichmann, Mengele, Barbie and others escaped.

DAR: And on that note, why South America?

PW: There are also traces of them being in Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, maybe also in Colombia and perhaps Chile, etc. Why South America? And well, in this case of the investigation specifically Argentina, why there and not somewhere else? It is very easy to explain. We know that those who wanted to escape from Europe used two means, either the church in Genoa in Italy or the Red Cross that was going around all of Europe.

Apart from Argentina, I had an apartment, a salvation office, that's what it was called, in the city of Bern, Switzerland. There, any German Nazi could easily receive an open passport, a blank Argentine passport, by arriving at the office and arriving in Argentina with a new identity. Him and his family.

We know then that, on the one hand, they arrived through the Red Cross, as I told you, the Church, and they arrived in Argentina without any problem. Why Argentina? Because Argentina offered these 9.000 blank passports and the question is what did Argentina, Juan Perón and Eva Perón, receive in return to give this number of blank passports. There was a barter here, so the question is what was given, as a counterweight, to the Argentine passports that were given.

Then the majority arrived, these 9.000 Germans came to Argentina and felt very safe from 1945, when Perón was president, until 1955.

DAR: What happened in 1955?

PW: Perón is overthrown and leaves Argentina. So what happens? All the Germans who were in Argentina feel unprotected, their father has left them, they feel a certain insecurity in 55 and they start to go to different places.

Some of them went to the south of Brazil, some went to Colombia, Chile, some went to Bolivia and some to Colombia. They dispersed throughout South America, that is what is known. Some stayed in Argentina, they had no problems, their families had already settled there and they stayed in the south of Argentina. There were also German leaders who stayed in the south of Argentina, especially in the Bariloche area. But that is how things turned out. Perón offered them a new home.

DAR: Why Argentina?

PW: Because it was a safe place for them, there was a very well-established German community in Argentina, there were 900 German companies working in all fields of finance, banking, agriculture, companies like Siemens, Mercedes-Benz, Bayer, AEG, they were all working in Argentina. The German community was completely adapted to Argentina and they had a lot of strength and they felt safe and had very good ties. There was a connection between the German community and the Argentine government, so they felt very well and very close.

Already at the beginning of the century before the Second World War, Germany saw Argentina, southern Chile and southern Argentina, Patagonia, as a natural place where Germany, the great Germany, could continue to grow. Since they were limited in terms of territory within Europe, they wanted to make Argentine soil and Chilean soil, their south, Patagonia as it is called, a natural continuation of the land of Germany. Mother Germany could continue its natural growth in southern Argentina and southern Chile.

DAR: And what was in the Argentine?

PW: Apart from the natives, there were many Germans, Austrians, Belgians and Swiss who, of course, except the Belgians, all spoke German and still felt and saw Germany as their home. It is true that they were living 10.000 kilometres away from home, but they still felt Argentine, Chilean or German. So all these conditions served to make the Germans, especially in southern Argentina, feel very much at home and very close to the German homeland.

Of course, once the war began, they identified with all the values ​​and with the whole struggle of the Germans against France and against England and, of course, against Soviet communism. So, it was something, a natural process that happened over the years. As I tell you again, from the beginning of the century, they wanted to bring together southern Argentina, southern Chile and Germany.

And those who knew about this, that is, except for that same German community and the people close to Perón, I am talking about the people, the Argentine civilians who had nothing to do with this exile.

DAR: They didn't want anything?

PW: Nothing was known. This topic, the topic of the escape of the Nazis, is a topic that they started talking about only recently in the 60s, when once, let's say, they gave special weight to the topic of the escape, of the kidnapping of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina, and people started talking a lot about the Nazis who lived in Argentina and in South America in general. Also, before, they lived under false identities, with other names. Of course, yes, but nobody investigated and nobody made big campaigns to start, let's say, to ask for the head of this or that Nazi in Europe so that a trial could be called and things like that. The Americans themselves, when they came to occupy Germany after the war, gave a very big pardon to the German people.

They only looked for the big heads within the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials and they were tried. Of course, some of them went to the gallows, but the German people received a great deal of forgiveness from all powers once the war was over.

The subject of the war was well-known and from time to time someone who had been in the war would appear and tell something like that, but the distance and the means and the technology were so, let's say, so limited at that time, that it wasn't something that, you know, you turn on the television or you have your internet and you find out about everything that was happening in the war or after the war. And no, there wasn't much interest, Argentina was a neutral country throughout the war and few people were informed, were aware of what was happening.

Of course, let's say, let's keep in mind that one interesting fact is that of course all the embassies of all the powers, including the Germans, were involved in the matter, they knew exactly what was happening, people were sneaking into Argentina, Germans, or in general Nazis who were escaping from Yugoslavia, the former Yugoslavia, were escaping from France, collaborators were arriving from Belgium, who were coming from Italy, of course. That was known, but at a diplomatic level, the people on the street didn't give it much importance. The Jews themselves in Argentina, for example, didn't give it much importance and they knew that some Germans were escaping from Germany to Argentina.

Yes, it was known. And the important thing is, to give you an idea, I got information from a letter that was written from the German embassy in Buenos Aires to the German embassy in Madrid. And detailing things that were happening in Argentina, the German ambassador in Argentina says, yes, we were able to have great help through our collaborator Eva Perón.

It is something very important. At the German level, she was considered a collaborator of the Germans in Argentina. He and Juan Perón, that is, this couple, who were the ones who ruled Argentina for ten years from 1945 to 1955, were fully engaged in helping the Germans in every way possible so that they could reach Argentina without any problems.

So, there was Argentine help, but the question also remains: what did Juan Perón and Eva Perón receive in exchange for this great help that they gave to all the fugitives who arrived in Argentina in those years? Of course. And well, for example, the issue of the German scientists who were evacuated to the United States and later founded NASA. That issue would be related, right? It could be related, but not to South America, but to the USA.

A few months ago, the book “Nace Sana” by Colombian-Israeli writer Bella Clara Ventura was published. The subject of this work is very interesting because of its theme, the escape of German technicians and engineers from Germany and the formation of the American Space Research Agency through this group. In this book I was a historical advisor to Mrs. Ventura. Few people know about this military operation which was called “Paperclip” at that time.

There is little information, it is covered up, that is in the archives of Maryland, in the United States, and it seems that there is not much interest on the American side to publish this, since it is clear that from one day to the next dozens of scientists, engineers and technicians from Europe who worked for the Nazi regime, for Hitler, disappeared, and they and their families disappeared.

Suddenly they appeared on American soil, apart from a small photo that I found in black and white, of course, all with German surnames who appeared in the United States, there is not much information about how they escaped.

DAR: But is there any information, any idea of ​​who helped them, directly the American government?

PW: Surely, maybe. You can't do this mass escape like that, in an amateurish way. You need a well-armed infrastructure. Surely the American army, with some of the embassies, was involved in the matter, so that from one day to the next this mass of people disappeared, appeared in the United States, and began to work directly on the subject of ballistic missiles, on the subject of what was days later, years later, what was NASA. The seeds that were growing in 45 when they escaped, years later were really the basis of what was NASA, I think NASA was formed, with all the basis and all the knowledge of the Germans and the Nazis.

DAR: What happened to these German technicians and engineers?

PW: The war was almost over, at the end of 1944, it was already known that Germany could not win the war, Hitler, in the few months that he had left as an army, so these engineers did not want to fall into the hands of the Soviets, it was clear that they would end their lives in Siberia. So the first contacts were made with the Americans to save their lives and those of their families, so that they could continue to give this help to the Americans, to create and continue talking and developing the subject of ballistic missiles, the V-1, the V-2, which were very advanced and the Americans did not have the technology and of course, they were not that far ahead with the development of the atomic bomb, they had a very serious problem with the issue of heavy water, so the Americans knew that they were far behind German development and they wanted to count on the help of the Germans. They told them, okay, but you have to get us out of here, we are dozens of technicians who secretly have to escape from European soil and we are going to cooperate with you.

So this list of people who escaped overnight, came to America and started working for the government and formed what was the Space Research Institute, it was called at first, then it was actually NASA, which actually sent man to the moon, but we have to keep in mind that again these names were all German, that they were the ones who actually helped form NASA with their knowledge.

If this investigation had been done perhaps 20, 30 years ago, then it would be easier to speak with direct witnesses and not indirect ones and really know what happened. But papers, documents, documentation are stored somewhere. I am sure that there are photos of Hitler in Argentina.

It is known that there are also photos of Mengele with Juan Perón, for example, in Argentina. On one occasion I was able to see that photo. In other words, there are materials that are hidden, but at the witness level it is very complicated to reach the witnesses because of their age, of course.

But there is information, it is hidden. And at some point perhaps those grandchildren or great-grandchildren will say, you know what? Well, my grandfather or my great-grandfather was a Nazi, I have no problem saying it, admitting it. And here I have information to offer.

So, I do this research on a documentary level because I film materials and take testimonies from people who know something about it. I have been doing this since 2005, more or less, when I started filming. I have more or less 16 hours of filmed unpublished materials, especially this subject that is so fascinating to me.

All of this is problematic, it is not easy to get to the sources. But perhaps with time it will become easier because people will feel a natural distancing from what their grandparents or great-grandparents did during the Second World War. Perhaps they will not feel guilt or shame, perhaps.

And they will accept and talk or tell and perhaps even show documents or things like that that are related to what happened with the escape and the arrival of those Nazi Germans to Argentina or in general to South America. But it is known, there are many books, there is a lot of literature. I have read several books, I have about 15 books in my house that are about this fascinating subject.

There are books, as I said, such as “The Authentic Odessa,” which were published at that time; “Nazis in the South” and “Hitler’s Secrets in Argentina.” Another very interesting book that I came across is from 1954, by Mr. Silvano Santander, an Argentine politician. His book is called “The Technique of a Betrayal,” about Juan Domingo Perón and Eva Duarte, agents of Nazism in Argentina. Santander published the book in 1954, and the Perón government threatened him. If that book were published, Santander would have to leave Argentina immediately because his life was in danger.

This gentleman published the book and had to go and live in Uruguay. So there is literature, there are materials, you can find very, very interesting things from that time and try to get to the truth. But I say that the biggest fish is missing in this matter, this topic, this investigation, which is still the whereabouts of Adolf Hitler once the war ended.

DAR: Where is his body and what happened?

PW: We are talking about the greatest demon of the modern era, the greatest murderer. And if we could really know what happened to him and not just stick to the official version that he committed suicide in the bunker, I think that would be something important, because we are talking about the most important person of the modern era, of history, and it would really be interesting to know what happened and not cover up the issue, both on the American side, since the American archives are still closed, for the most part.

Part of the Argentine archives were burned in 97, not much information remained. So, what we are talking about here about Hitler, Nazism and everything that happened in World War II and afterwards, still has many black holes and there are things that can still be clarified and known. To improve or change and really tell the truth about modern history books, because I do not think that Hitler committed suicide in the bunker and there are things that can also be openly demonstrated. Also history and education, because history books perhaps at some point will have to say that Hitler really escaped from the bunker when the war was over and did not commit suicide. So, what is the importance of this type of documentary? Again, talking about bringing out and openly, everything that was really the truth.

6 thoughts on “The Nazis in Latin America”
  1. The fact that Hitler is still alive is a Chinese tale that no one believes except fans of science fiction films and paranormal phenomena, but this interviewee mixes truths with this type of fantasy, and also launches many speculations that without conclusive evidence are worthless.

    The relationship of the German Nazis with Latin America goes back a long way, many years before Nazism they began to join groups to emigrate and found agricultural colonies in Latin America, initially they did so during the times of Spanish and Portuguese colonization for a few lands they got in America, although, apparently the German nationalists or future Nazi criminals were not very patriotic about the land as much as about race, or they were simply racists not caring where they were, as was the case of the very liar and Nazi Elisabeth Nietzsche, the sister of the philosopher Nietzsche, alias "the Prophet" of the fascists and Nazis. Nationalism and patriotism arose in 80th century Europe with the decline of monarchies and the age of romanticism, or from a kind of fondness for sentimentalism somewhat like that of adolescents or homosexuals, or also very typical of Latins, or in the age of romanticism it was typical of intellectuals who committed suicide when things were not going as they expected, the same in love as in any of the many other deep things they believed in, such as ultra-nationalism, however Nietzsche was not very into nationalism, this is another of the manipulations of the very deceitful and manipulative fascists and Nazis. Naturally, the Spanish fascists and Nazis do not commit suicide... not even as a joke, rather they are the ones who cause suicides in others, among their many imaginary enemies or simply those who do not laugh at their jokes. In fact, most Spanish fascists and Nazis, especially their fascist rabble, are Europeans with the average IQ closest to a level called borderline, that is, an IQ of XNUMX, the score that according to specialized science marks the limit that separates animals from humans. This term borderline should not be confused with the same term in another different specialty, for one of the measures of mental retardation, nor in psychiatry with the psychiatric illness borderline disorder or also called borderline personality disorder, a psychiatric disorder very similar to the much-maligned famous Freudian hysteria. Borderline disorder abroad is the mental illness most associated with partner abusers, with very sudden changes in the expressiveness or feelings of the mentally ill person, with loss of emotional control that can increase impulsiveness or violent outbursts. However, in Spain this mental illness fits like a glove both with what Spaniards understand as the most Spanish, as well as what Spaniards associate most with Spanish gypsies, naturally gypsies would be borderlines with much less "glamour."

  2. In reality, the fascists and Nazis appeared alongside the numerous other nationalist movements that arose in that era of romanticism and the decades immediately following, then the fascists and Nazis invented to transfer their distorted idea of ​​Nietzsche's superman also to a kind of communal excuse to do whatever was necessary to achieve the supercountry of the moment, when in reality, once again, Nietzsche understood that a state or nation would be nothing other than an instrument or facilitator of the necessary conditions, mainly through culture, for his supermen to appear, the authentic ones from his books, without manipulation, emerging individually, within a rather artificially delimited region or zone called nation or homeland. The Nietzsches were a very nationalist German family, or somewhere around there because there was always trouble with the borders depending on the wars won or lost by the capricious king of the moment, and very ultra-Christian Lutheran from a family of the average classes, only they had the privileges of the rich because Nietzsche's father was a priest of the German aristocracy, so Nietzsche's mother was very upset when her son did not want to know anything about doing a career as a Lutheran priest, paid for in "good" schools for the rich, and on top of that he became more and more of a nihilistic atheist as soon as he found out about Darwin's scientific theory of evolution that destroyed the biblical nonsense of monotheistic religions... at least the mother was relieved of this great upset when her son Nietzsche went crazy and she was able to take care of him according to her ultra-Christian standards. Nor can it be said that the mother was on good terms with Elisabeth, for example her own daughter shamelessly removed her from the management of her brother's legacy when he was catatonically insane, and from the huge sums of money generated by the sales of his books, or she also saw how much of a liar her daughter was after reading a very famous book among fascists and Nazis around the world, a supposed first-hand biography of her brother Nietzsche, and also her own biography, all stories that only fascists and Nazis swallow. Thanks to Elisabeth's facility for verbosity, her German Nazi criminal friends even proposed her as a candidate for the Nobel Prize.

    Elisabeth Nietzsche can give another possible explanation of why fascists and Nazis like Latin America and the country so much, naturally, in the case of the Spanish fascists, without ever setting foot in the countryside or a village. And the fact is that this grotesque woman was an obtuse ultra-religious Christian Nazi anti-Semite, who was most likely hated by her brother, especially since she married an ultra-nationalist German anti-Semite belonging to proto-Nazism or what was about to come to Germany. By the way, her husband ended up committing suicide in Paraguay due to the failure of his project for a German Nazi colony in the jungle... it must be clarified to those who, naturally, do not understand anything about this Nazi colony in Latin America, that it was about these pearls of the Caribbean believing that Germany, or all of Europe, was totally contaminated by the Jews, so they intended to set up a "New Germania", or a new pure Germany, in the middle of the jungle or far from the Jews. In reality, the Nazi husband did hardly anything, the colony was run by Nietzsche's sister from a kind of palace that she had built in the middle of the jungle, she was one of those "very willing" and a copy of "Uncle Scrooge" with money, or with other people's money or stolen money, while the German Nazi farmers she swindled were dying of hunger and disease, suffering continuous hardships because of the blisters on the back of their necks from sunstroke they got, working unproductive land, full of bites from flocks of mosquitoes and bites from animals that they never imagined existed, and the local Hispanic population were lazy and swindlers. But Nietzsche's sister managed to survive several years in her palace in the middle of the forest, by writing letters to Germany in which she invented stories about how well everything was going: where they lived would be a paradise, the harvests were abundant, not forgetting the important patriotic service for those who would become future German Nazis, without Jewish contamination, in this simple way she received the fame and money from Germany from Nazi donations, only with these letters that she wrote to the numerous fascist contacts, or future Nazis, that she got among the German elite, or thanks to the "braguetazo" or marriage with the rich German ultra-nationalist, and with her gift of the gab as her best or only knowledge. The sister continued like this, with the story, until she was thrown out by the very German farmers whom she had defrauded, of course, not without receiving a good part of the money she invested before leaving, while the German farmers lost everything.

  3. It is well known that Argentina, like other South American countries, was filled with Nazi criminals who escaped after the defeat of Hitler's Germany, many of these Nazi criminals were helped by the Spanish branch of the ODESSA network after the end of World War II, now the vast majority of these Nazis or their descendants are integrated into the local population, although surely many continue to be persistent and also as they are part of the economic elites of the country in question where they reside, perhaps this thanks to the money they stole from their Jewish victims, that is why now it is easy to find Hispanics who name their children Hitler, just because they have heard bells in the distance, one day when they were working for "the rich Germans" they kept hearing Hitler, Hitler, Hitler,... and the South Americans believed it was the name of a very important person in Europe. Perhaps the only exception of former German Nazi criminals not integrated among South Americans is the Nazi sect of Colonia Dignidad in Chile, which has become somewhat famous due to a recent American film and a Netflix documentary series. And the fact is that in the Colonia Dignidad sect there is, all at once, a Christian and Nazi religious sect of the most grotesque kind, with sexual abuse of children and women, plus torture and murder belonging to the crimes against humanity committed by the South American fascist military dictatorships, those of the famous quartet of South American countries formed by Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay, all acting in conclusion in the so-called Operation or Plan Condor to eliminate communists through repression and state terrorism throughout the South American cone, or even some of these fascist criminals, such as those of the Argentine Triple A, helped the Spanish fascists in the various state terrorism groups that existed until not long ago in Spain. The German governments in the democracies are also involved, as they knew about the sexual abuse and crimes committed by their German citizens in Colonia Dignidad, but they did nothing. Colonia Dignidad was founded in Chile by the former member of the Hitler Youth Paul Schäfer, who apparently continued with the Nazi and ultra-Christian German nonsense after the end of World War II, but after being accused several times of sexual abuse of children, he exiled himself from Germany with some of his supporters, supposedly helped by the ODESSA protection network.

    In Spain, the Odessa network was led by the Falangist Clara Stauffer, from the German-born family of the brewer who designed Mahou beer, the most famous beer in Spain within the type of daily beer or the most common in Spanish bars, or among the other brands of beer that this same brand makes or acquired is San Miguel beer, the most international Spanish beer. The Stauffer family also owns the Loewe haute couture stores in Madrid, one of those brands that are advertised on free Spanish television with expensive colognes to give as Christmas gifts. Within the Spanish upper classes, Clara or Clarita caused great admiration for her self-confidence, or she was also famous in this very particular world of the Spanish upper classes because she won all the sporting competitions, surely she was the only one who entered the competitions, or also because among these classes she was the only one so daring or shameless as to wear bathing suits that already began to show her legs. Before the Second World War began, Clara used her fame and influence to promote Hitler among the upper classes of Spain, asking for support and money in donations for the Nazi cause. After the defeat of Hitler's Nazi Germany, England tried to put her on trial for war crimes, but the Spanish fascist dictatorship always refused to extradite her. Years later, an English spy disguised as a journalist visited her and interviewed her at her mansion in Spain. According to the English spy, he found Clarita a little ill, and hanging around her were what looked like picturesque German Nazi characters. In the supposed interview she simply repeated that she only performed a service to her Nazi German homeland, which she considered normal, or that she was simply an ignorant pawn used by the Nazis because of her contacts in high places. In Spain, only in recent years has Clara Stauffer appeared in some nostalgic reports in Spanish newspapers and was also the protagonist of a novel by the well-known writer Almudena Grandes. By the way, despite being a writer from the leftist sector, one of those that the Spanish fascists call a communist hippie and feminazi, she has a daughter who has turned out to be a fascist or a Nazi. In any case, the book is a novel, a work of fiction based on some real historical events, and in her interviews on Spanish television, the writer was very condescending towards this supposed director of the escape network for Nazi criminals.

  4. While the main Nazi criminal leaders committed suicide or a few second-rate criminals were executed, or others spent a few years in prison, the vast majority of Nazi criminals remained completely free in Germany or in their home countries, or roaming around the world, such as on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, in the sun and beach, as was to be expected for such distinguished eminences. This was the case, for example, of one of the most insane Nazi criminals, the Croatian Maks Luburić, who lived in the very fascist Spanish region of Valencia until he was murdered in 1969 by an alleged spy from his country. Another refugee criminal was Ante Pavelić, a Croatian politician and dictator, leader and founding member of the Croatian Revolutionary Uprising Movement or the Ustasha in the 1930s and later "Warlord" of the Independent State of Croatia (a puppet state and collaborationist with the Axis). Ante Pavelic is considered today the leader of the fascist movement, excluding the Nazis, the cruelest in history, with more than a million murders, and like Franco and his followers he also had the support of a large part of the Catholic Church. He died in ostracism in a German hospital in Madrid on December 28, 1959 and is buried in the San Isidro cemetery in Madrid. But the most famous Nazi refugee of all was undoubtedly Otto Skorzeny, a Nazi greatly respected by all Nazis for commanding the rescue of Mussolini after being confined to a hotel on the highest peak of the Apennines… this rescue would be of little use to Mussolini, since, before ending up being lynched and executed, he was also used by the Nazis who rescued him as ruler of the puppet state of the Italian Republic of Salò, to serve Nazi Germany at the cost of further suffering for his acolytes in fascist Northern Italy. Skorzeny is rumoured to have been Eva Perón's lover while he was in Argentina serving the pseudo-fascist Perón dictatorship, although he ended up living in Spain until his death in Madrid in 1975, after which a grand ceremony was organised. His ashes then travelled across Europe with tributes from European Nazis; it is said that never before had so many arms been raised since the end of World War II. Not only the Nazis consider Otto Skorzeny to be the greatest example of a Nazi who was always faithful and obedient to Hitler, and who also made a great impression with his great height and large scars, not from war but from the German military academies where it was tradition to show off the largest scar caused by sword fighting training. He is also admired even by those who are not so Nazi, who read his well-known book on guerrilla warfare. Skorzeny is probably the only Nazi criminal or fascist who is a “half-man,” but I fear not in the sense that this term is used in the particular world of Spanish fascists and neo-Nazis, but because he agreed to collaborate with the Mossad, perhaps repentant or perhaps fearful of ending up like Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi leader captured by the Mossad in Argentina so that he could be tried in Israel, where he was sentenced to death.

  5. We know that in the south of Colombia on the border with Ecuador there was a German community of Nazi origin and it would not have been strange if the same Nazi had been there... I knew a current one who, when asked about his last name and that he knew someone Jewish with the same last name, answered me with one clear word, "he is not ARYAN" which indicates his Nazi past (and present).

  6. My dad always taught me that I should respect my neighbor no matter their religion, skin color, nationality but that I should always stay away from anyone who despises their neighbor, and Nazism has been and will continue to be the most despicable thing in humanity, my dad also taught me that it was not the Jewish people who crucified JESUS ​​it was because that is how it was written that it should be and that not everyone participated, and that just as JESUS ​​taught us to forgive we should always do so and that ISRAEL and its people are the chosen ones and so I have learned to love ISRAEL and its people although to this day I have not been there. I LOVE YOU ISRAEL.

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