In July 2024, the global average temperature was 16.91°C, 0.68°C above the 30-year average for that month.
Although in 2023 it was even higher, during the last month there were record temperatures: On July 22 and 23 the average temperature was approximately 17.16 °C.
However, the European climate agency Copernicus announced that the streak of 13 consecutive months with new global average temperature records will end in July. The main cause of this is the decrease in the effect of El Niño.
El Niño is a phenomenon of climatic origin related to the warming of the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean and which in its most intense manifestations causes havoc in the intertropical and equatorial zone due to intense rains, mainly affecting the Pacific coastal region of South America. .
In any case, European scientists stressed that this cessation does not alter the continuing threat of climate change. Samantha Burgess, deputy director of Copernicus, explained that “the general context has not changed.”
Julien Nicolas, senior climate scientist at Copernicus, said that “the driving force behind these record temperatures is the long-term warming trend related to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.”