Dr. Bejla Rubin
Being Jewish is not a choice, it is an inheritance above all due to the fact that a child born from the womb of a Jewish mother, according to Halacha, is considered Jewish. Then will come the tradition, the culture, the rituals, the food, in fact, such is that birthmark that one continues to be Jewish, even if one does not believe in God, one does not eat kosher, one does not pray, one does not make blessings. before every meal nor fast on Yom Kippur.
We could conjecture that the patriarch Abraham was a myth, but what has been certain is the exodus from Egypt at the hands of Moses, his confinement on Mount Sinai and thus establishing the ten commandments from having heard that thunderous voice, with that Aleph inaugural of the Anoji..., the voice of his unconscious Other, and from that principle he established and dictated what would be the legal and coexistence levels of a monotheistic community, dropping totemic practices to the golden calf and having to believe in a God invisible, non-figurative, thunderous and impious, the only way and way to bend and make obey the law to a people with a slave mentality to begin a life governed by citizen laws, free and responsible without any Pharaoh, any tyrant, ever bending them plus life and the responsible act where each one must assume with respect and gratitude the life that has been given to him.
But this choice of life and beliefs has not been easy for the Jewish people to carry out. Just as each brother envies the father's beloved son, the "chosen" people have suffered and continue to suffer the insults, evils, lies of the Gentiles, Muslims, Palestinians and of everyone who sees in each Jew a threat, a murderer of children. Palestinians, a usurer and thief who destabilizes the world economy, all ancient and current forms that disguise anti-Semitic arguments.
They were expelled from Spain if they did not convert to Catholicism, and although they had to convert, they still continued to be thought of and condemned as heretics. If he was expelled from his homeland inhabited for eight centuries, having to leave his houses, his assets, that was the true reason for his expulsion, economic and not his religious beliefs.
Then the Shoah would come, and even with the theft of their property the Jews could not save their lives from the gas chambers. Neither the assimilation of the German bourgeoisie into the Christian environment that surrounded them, nor having been baptized into Catholicism would save the German Jews from the barbaric and greedy as well as evil jaws of Nazism. The world accused them of being weak and submissive, that they did not resist, an argument that was even outlined in Israel, a topic that we will develop later. But when the young State of Israel is founded and erects and defends its borders and takes care of its children, the world brands it as murderers and that they emulate an Auschwitz with "the poor Palestinians."
Anti-Semites cannot stand a thriving nation that defends its rights, rather they are used to persecuting them in Pogroms, beatings and discrimination. And when today Israelis are called upon to help in disasters, in medicine, in putting a stop to terrorism, they cannot accept it, understand it, and even less thank them.
Hitler, by murdering “his Jews”, proposed to eradicate their culture since he said it contaminated Aryan purity. At that time, he has left a devastated continent, full of terrorists and Muslims, impoverishing its European culture, which he did have to enrich with his long-standing contribution. dates the Jewish minds that inhabited that continent. Given this barbarism, those who have been able to escape it in time have enriched the United States, Argentina, Brazil and Israel, among other places, with their contribution.
Gershom Sholem, a great Zionist, emigrated to Israel before the war, Hannah Arendt escaped from a concentration camp in France and settled in the United States, as did Theodor Adorno and the great physicist Albert Einstein. The one who unfortunately does not manage to leave France because he was not allowed to pass through Spain on the way to America is Walter Benjamin and this unfortunate event causes him to commit suicide in Port Bou in 1940.
Modern Israel, not the biblical one, exalts heroism and self-sacrifice by making a cult of leaving life for the new State, thinking of this act as “a beautiful death”, a fact with which we do not agree given that no death is beautiful, especially If it is the sacrifice of his young soldiers since nothing is more precious than life, the only one we have, since there is no afterlife and there is no resurrection of the bones as established in the prophecy of Ezekiel.
What Israel's policy has praised is the heroism and resistance of the Warsaw ghetto uprising in 1943, criticizing the submissive surrender of the hopeless poor on the way to the gas chambers.
Their model comes from the battle of Tel Jay with the heroic death of Trumpeldor in 1920, which was established as the paradigm of struggle and courage, and despite its defeat it is read as a victory to emulate and be a act of national identification, where heroic defeat was established as the way to conquer territories for the new State of Israel.
The death of the combatants in the ghettos is thought of as a heroic as well as beautiful death, while the condition of the Jews of Europe occupied by the Nazis who went to the “slaughterhouse” without resisting was trivialized.
Ben Gurion also adhered to these ideas and in fact there was no emissary from Palestine who came to the rescue of the poor Jews along with their children who were sent to Auschwitz and then annihilated in the gas chambers. They did not look at that massacre “that the Jews of the Diaspora were heading towards death, as a beautiful death”, combatant but “as lambs to the slaughter”, an argument that I reject and repudiate from the depths of my being, given that From far away the scene has a color, but being part of that hell in person, defenseless, hungry, no one is authorized to give an opinion and even less to criticize. In any case, we say out loud: never again an Auschwitz, never again the trivialization of that horror that serves as an argument for anti-Semites to say that it is an invention of the Zionists or an argument of the Jews to collect compensation and victimize themselves against The humanity.
The only thing beautiful is a dignified life, in freedom, accepting and being accepted in individual differences and joys, death is complete, no one should emulate it, because no matter where you look at it, it is never beautiful.
And since we are recognized as the Am Hasefer, the people of the book, a sign of wisdom, intelligence and culture, let us use it as a tool to recognize our enemies and use their evil and destructive power as a force that turns against them, feeds on it and destroys themselves. , we do not need heroic young people who sacrifice themselves for their people who want to live in peace and freedom, and in a dignified State that knew how to recover from their ancestors, from the bravery of David and who granted it to us to this land of Israel in full. rule of law and justice. And since we are just a few days away from a new anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, January 27, 1945, we say, establish and proclaim: Never Again!!! Mir seinen night Da, We are still and we will be here forever and ever. Amen.