Tue Feb 18th, 2025

In an interview with AfD leader, Elon Musk claims Hitler was a “communist”

January 10, 2025 , ,
Elon Musk Photo: Marcel Grabowski / UK Government via Flickr

Alice Weidel, co-leader and candidate for chancellor of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), presented her party as a “conservative” and “libertarian” organization on Thursday in a chat followed by some 200.000 users on the social network X with the magnate and owner of that application, Elon Musk.

“We are a libertarian conservative party. At least that is how we see ourselves,” Weidel said in her conversation with Musk, in which she complained that AfD is “labeled as right-wing extremists” and thanked the businessman for offering her “a normal conversation” in which she was not “portrayed in an extremely negative way” as is often the case in the media.

Despite Weidel's definition of the AfD, the party is considered a "certain case of right-wing extremism" in several German states by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the name given in Germany to the intelligence services of the Interior, a fact that was ignored in the conversation with Musk, who reiterated his support for the far-right party.

“I recommend voting for AfD if you are unhappy with the situation,” said Musk, who has been accused by top political leaders of interference for his explicit support for the far-right party in the midst of an election campaign.

“I think Alice Weidel is a very reasonable person and that can be seen in this conversation,” said Musk, who along with the AfD chancellor candidate criticised the energy, migration and education policies of the governments of the current chancellor, the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, and his predecessor, the Christian Democrat Angela Merkel.

 Musk faces European leaders

Musk arrived at his talk with Weidel this Thursday after having faced numerous European leaders, such as British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, French President Emmanuel Macron, officials from the German government and the European Commission, who have accused the tycoon owner of X of interfering in the German election campaign.

Weidel and Musk were, in fact, referring to the “150 bureaucrats” who, according to Weidel, were observing, while they were speaking, whether Thursday’s talk could violate the European Union’s Digital Services Act, a circumstance that served both to claim “freedom of expression.”

Weidel, after being invited by Musk to talk about whether AfD was far-right, criticised National Socialism and the 'Führer' Adolf Hitler, whom the far-right politician described as a "communist".

“Hitler considered himself a socialist. The state founded companies, levied huge taxes, nationalised entire industries,” Weidel said, before presenting the AfD as “the only party protecting Jews in Germany.” Historical evidence indicates that Hitler considered communism to be an enemy. In addition to banning the Communist Party, he openly persecuted its supporters and confronted the Soviet Union.

 Criticism of Merkel on immigration

During the conversation, which was at times characterized by a relaxed atmosphere and laughter, both Weidel and Musk expressed their support for Israel in the Middle East and the need for Palestinian populations to prosper, as well as their desire for the war in Ukraine to end as soon as possible after Donald Trump takes office as president of the United States on January 20.

“Many people in Germany are anxious for many reasons. This conflict could escalate and end in a nuclear conflict.”, Weidel said, regretting that, in his opinion, European leaders lack a strategy to confront the threat posed by Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine.

The AfD leader also attacked Angela Merkel's immigration policies, accusing her of "opening Germany's borders to illegal immigration" and to the point of being the country's "first green chancellor."

Weidel also criticised the abandonment of nuclear energy after the Russian natural gas tap was turned off following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, and the inaction of previous governments in the face of a huge bureaucracy now recognised as a burden on the economy, and the development of a “socialist” educational system.

Agencies contributed to this Aurora article.

7 thoughts on “In an interview with AfD leader, Elon Musk claims that Hitler was a “communist””
  1. Ok, but for the lay public, it is good that when talking about the history of Adolf Hitler, references are made to the fact that he was severely insane, corrupt, stupid and a demon. Otherwise, the meaning of the concepts will not be very clear.

    As for the message to the educated public, perhaps intellectual and international, there is no need to dwell so much on the above adjectives, which are already recognized, but to avoid the consequent criticisms of those who speak of history from interfering with the ongoing advisory work for the US government.

    That alone gives many of them arguments to withdraw further support from Donald John Trump's government when it begins its march on January 20, 2025.

  2. Hitler was one of the least socialist Nazis within the party, like most of the southern or Catholic Nazis, quite the opposite of his friend or only friend Ernst Rohm, of the northern or Protestant Nazis. At the beginning of Hitler's Nazi Germany, this leader of the Nazi organization SA and known homosexual was close to a branch of the almost communist Nazi party called the Strasserists, although Hitler and his people soon got rid of them in one of their internal purges, the Night of the Long Knives. Many German Nazis were or received important support from the upper classes, the aristocracy and big businessmen, who did not want to see communism even in a painting. Nationalist or protectionist economic policies were and are very common in fascist dictatorships, the same as among democratic governments when they lose control of the internal consumption of imported products from a country as is happening right now with China, and this is especially common in the United States.

  3. Or for example, among the most disturbed Spanish neo-Nazis and fascists of today, they have the habit of allowing each other to do business and make money, yes, but with a maximum profit margin according to a table or according to the number that comes up in the lottery draw in their brains, as for example when selling their books or Nazi paraphernalia merchandising, the Nazi comrade who is in charge of this important task must sell them at a price with which he keeps a small percentage of the profits, small enough so that these pearls of the Caribbean consider that they are not going to be called Jews, or years ago one of the Spanish television channels showed the one who was known as the leader of the ultra-Nazi neo-Nazis of Real Mandril, a certain Ochaita, selling paraphernalia and the tickets that the club gave him, it is unknown if they gave them to him for free or just reserved them for him, while the Nazi leader proudly declared that he did not charge a commission. Years later, he was interviewed again recently, already retired from his previous position, declaring himself regretful of what he might have done in the past, or of what might have been known, while he was working as a doorman at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, but a doorman who punched tickets, not a doorman for Buyo or Casillas. Franco and the Spanish Nazi-philo-Falangists were like that at first, if not worse, it's just that the Spanish fascist dictatorship suddenly turned capitalist after the incorporation of the so-called "technocratic" ministers of Opus Dei, lifting the Spanish fascists out of the misery into which the extremely inept Falangists had plunged them with their pretentious, or racist, economic policy called "autarchy", that is, since they are so wonderful, and in the crazy, thoughtless way of the nihilist, they believed that they could make Spain again the world superpower that it was during its beloved Middle Ages, just by making the other Spanish fascists and the imprisoned republican slaves work, and also by discovering the many natural treasures and riches that had been left forgotten and unexploited by the stupid and evil Spanish Judeo-Masons. The Opus Dei replaced these inept Falangists, arriving just when Franco signed the military agreements with the United States in 1953 that brought the regime out of international isolation, in exchange for several military bases on Spanish territory and becoming a faithful dog of the United States against the Soviet communists.

  4. In reality, the most communist or stratserist Nazis were not so much the Protestants of the north, nor were they against the more Catholic Nazis of the south. During Bismarck's time, there was a conflict in Protestant Prussia against the Catholic Church for interfering in education and politics. Even the Strasse brothers had a conception of the ideal German as a peasant, equal to the worker, very similar to Bismarck's, an ideal in which neither of them made room for the Jews. Bismarck initially governed with the liberals, also with a more liberal economy, and he confronted the Catholics, to later become more conservative or traditionalist, allying himself with the Catholics.

    Currently in Spain there has begun a resurgence of the fascists or the far-right Vox party from the southeastern region of Spain, where the so-called sea of ​​plastic is located, which holds the dubious honor of being the only human construction visible to the naked eye from space, where smallholder farmers have always voted for right-wing parties or now for the far-right Vox, they are a continuation of the fascist tradition of small landowners, although those in the province of Almería are of recent creation, it has its origin in the 1970's in one of the fascist plans to give work to farmers that always ended in resounding failures or in the enrichment of corrupt fascists, but in this case then the large landowner in the area sold his worthless desert lands to the numerous Spanish immigrants who arrived for the fame of getting rich, they were small plots of maximum 1 hectare for the construction of tomato greenhouses. Nothing to do with the vast majority of landless labourers who worked for the gentlemen and large aristocratic landowners, these labourers were the poorest and most illiterate Spaniards, all communists or anarchists during the Civil War. And there are still large landowners, especially in the southwest of Spain, they are large Spanish aristocrats, being an anachronism that in Europe only occurs in Spain, after centuries and centuries without anyone being able to even name them.

  5. The origin of the Spanish fascist ideology closest to the rural world is said to be one of the three founders of the pro-Nazi party Falange, Onésimo Redondo, a lay Jesuit follower and close to the Jesuit leader, Cardinal Herrera Oria. Onésimo Redondo was one of the most anti-Semitic Falangists, if not the most, against the Jews and not so much against the Freemasons as was the fashion in Spain at the time, and he went so far as to translate the anti-Semitic pamphlet "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" into Spanish.

    In any case, with or without rural fascism, Spain is also the European country with the greatest depopulation of rural areas. All Spaniards want to live in cities, the bigger the better, while small towns are disappearing or are in danger of disappearing, without any Spaniard going to live in them even with free housing.

  6. Aside from all of the above, Catholicism, or at least the somewhat peculiar Spanish fascist Catholicism, practically equates Protestants with Jews in their acceptance of capitalism. Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is a book from 1904 and 1905 that influenced a large number of people to engage in work in the secular world by developing enterprises and participating in trade and the accumulation of wealth for investment. In other words, the Protestant Work Ethic was a major force behind the unplanned and uncoordinated rise of modern capitalism, that is, it is the book in which Protestant Christianity found its justification for making money, although it is also a fundamental book for Spanish fascists and ultra-Catholics, as it relates evil capitalism to all Protestant Christian sects, not only to German Lutheranism, such as for example to the evangelical Christian sects of the United States of evil American capitalism. Thus, they, the Spanish fascists, plus the pro-Nazi Falangists who base their particular fascist ideology on Spain's Catholic past, plus the Spanish businessmen and upper classes, would be "the good guys" in all their fantasy films.

    Of course, all this is a bit absurd in a country like Spain, which belongs to the civilised side of the democratic countries, to the European Union and NATO, with all those things that are typical of capitalism, such as free competition, the law of supply and demand, the right to private property, equal opportunities for individuals to earn money legally, etc. Right now, anyone who visits any city in Spain, or at least as long as it is not outside the streets for the Spanish upper and middle classes, will hardly notice any differences with any other European country, nor will they notice any major differences with American cities; even provincial cities are hardly distinguishable from the big capitals, Madrid and Barcelona, ​​they all have all the big supermarket chains, fast food chains and the stores of the best-known multinationals.

  7. To confuse matters even more, Spanish businessmen and the Spanish upper classes all have the most ultra-liberal right-wing ideologies that can be found, and they may even be worse than the worst American businessmen or ultra-capitalist magnates. However, in Spain there are not the same conditions or opportunities for economic prosperity as in the United States. We must not forget that Spain is the Western country with the greatest social differences between the different Spanish castes or social classes. In Spain, the rich are always much richer and the poor are many more and poorer than the official statistics reflect, statistics that in macroeconomic or simplified numbers serve European politicians. However, Spain has handicaps that do not occur as much in the United States, such as classism, the extreme corruption of these Spaniards, or clientelist networks. Naturally, in the frequent economic crises they always manage to convince a large part of the Spanish people by blaming the left, the same thing happened with the serious consequences of their economic policies such as the selective mass murders of sick and elderly people with coronavirus left to their fate, since public health and public nursing homes suffered strong processes of privatization and budget cuts by the right-wing governments of Aznar, these Spanish right-wing politicians were known as the "Spanish neocons" or copies of the American governments with the most ultra-liberal economic policies, although for years before many Spaniards had been taking out pension plans and private health insurance to take care of their health or were already "seeing the situation".

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