Anti-Semitic acts in France have tripled since the fall

Augusts 9, 2024 ,
French Police Photo illustration: Stephanie LeBlanc via Unsplash

Anti-Semitic acts in France have tripled since last autumn and the explosion of the conflict in the Middle East after the terrorist attacks of October 7 in Israel, and in the first half of 2024 887 have been recorded, compared to 304 in the same period of 2023.

This diagnosis and these figures were given this Friday the French Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, in a public appearance during the commemoration of the anniversary of an anti-Semitic attack committed in Paris in 1982.

“Anti-Semitism, which has always existed, is no longer hidden", stated Darmanin, who added that it constitutes "an insult to the dead, the wounded, the humiliated and our history."

The prime minister, Gabriel Attal, had already warned in May, when giving the data for the first quarter (366, triple that of a year before) that it was confirmed “a wave of anti-Semitism of an unusual magnitude, stronger, more violent.”

Darmanin presided over a tribute to the victims of the attack against a Jewish restaurant on Rue des Rosiers in Paris, in the Marais neighborhood on August 9, 1982, in which six people were murdered.

2 thoughts on “Anti-Semitic acts in France have tripled since the fall”
  1. Israel: LUX MUNDI. In the near future Europe will remember Israel because it will suffer what Israel has been suffering since the beginning of the 20th century.

  2. The dad is playing Haman in the book of Esther, for both states...

    Biden wanted the two states and the resignation of Nethayahu and the one who came to renounce the re-election of the US presidency was Biden.

    Bergoglio and his stateless rotten and murderous traitor lodges and secret societies wanted Israel and more specifically Nethayahu to be declared genocidal but he made Carol Boitila's mistake by asking for the two states equal to Hussein's request after Hussein's invasion of Kuwait, on behalf from Boitila.

    Bergoglio's mistake was to personally request the two states, which makes him complicit in the interest of possessing Jerusalem for Bergoglio/Vatican himself and the Jesuits as another crusade.

    Now we know that the genocidaires are not and have never been Israel, much less Nethayahu, which ensures the life and survival of all the people of Israel and, in nuclear terms, Nethayahu also protects the lives of many nations, including the USA.

    Bergoglio is the origin of evil along with his diabolical murderous lodges and secret societies.

    Bergoglio already has more than 40 thousand deaths to his credit for wanting to possess Jerusalem with the slogan of the two states.

    Because he did not participate in that massacre, Ratzinger resigned from the papacy.

    Ratzinger already knew what was coming.

    Like Haman, Bergoglio found it difficult and his interest in accusing Israel of being genocidal returned.

    Bergoglio is the current global genocidaire along with the troupe of political leaders, UN nations, etc., and the related world press, who have repeated the two states many times.

    Pope Bergoglio is the main genocidaire of the moment and his Jesuits in company, who have to their credit more than 40 thousand deaths due to him.

    May God bless, protect, strengthen and give wisdom to Israel and Mexico always….!!!

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